AS 4176.1:2010 – Multilayer pipes for pressureapplications Part 1: Multilayer piping systems for hotand cold water plumbing applications—General (Iso 21003-1:2008, MOD)
AS 4176.1:2010 – Multilayer pipes for pressureapplications Part 1: Multilayer piping systems for hotand cold water plumbing applications—General (Iso 21003-1:2008, MOD).
3.4 Definitions related to materials
virgin material
material in a form such as granules or powder, that has not been subjected to use or processing other than that required for its manufacture and to whadi no reprocessable or recyclable matenal has been added
own reprocessable material
single material prepared from rejected unused pipes and fittmgs, Including trimmings from the production of pipes and fittings, that will be reprocessed in a manulacturer’s plant after having been previously processed by the sanie manufacturer by a method such as moulding or extrusion and for which the complete formulation is known
reference product standard
International Standard or draft International Standard, prepared by ISOIrFC 13815C 2, applIcable to non multilayer pipes, to which this Intemational Standard can refer for clauses related to the materials, components (ag. fittings) and fitness for purpose of the system
stress-designed polymeric layer polyrnenc layer wtiich is designed to be stress-beering
NOTE The malarial used ti such layers Is reslrcted to those In the reference product standards (see Annex A).
3.5 Definitions related to material characteristics
application class
class related to a typical held of application and a design period of 50 years
NOTE The dassification is taken from ISO 10506.
design pressure
Pr, highest pressure related to the circumstances for which the system has been designed and s Intended to be used
NOTE The des9i presaflp0. is equal to the meanr design pressure. MOP, as speciMd In EN 606-1.
long4erm pressure strength
lower confidence limit of the predicted hydrostatic pressure
quantity, with the dimensions of pressure, vitiich represents the 97,5% (one-sided) lower confidence limit of the predicted hydrostatic pressure at a temperature Tend time:
3.6 Definitions related to temperature
design temperature To
temperature, or a combination of temperatures, of the conveyed water related to the circumstances for wtiich the system has been designed
maximum design temperature
The clause numbers (including the title) listed below refer to the clause numbering of Iso 21003-1.
Normative references
Add the following reference document at the end of the list:
4020 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water
There are also a number of Australian Standards that, for the purpose of this Standard, are modified adoptions of ISO Standards that are applicable for use in Australia. These are listed below. They may be used throughout this document as alternatives to the corresponding ISO Standards.
4176.2 Multilayer pipes for pressure applications, Part 2: Multilayer 21003-2 piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications— Pipe
4176.3 Multilayer pipes for pressure applications, Part 3: Multilayer 21003-3 piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications— Fittings
4176.5 Multilayer pipes for pressure applications, Part 5: Multilayer 21003-5 piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications— Fitness for purpose of the system
4176.7 Multilayer pipes for pressure applications, Part 7: Multilayer 21003-7 piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications— Assessment of conformity)
Classification of service conditions
Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following:
For any application, the selection of the applicable class conforming to Table 1 is the subject of agreement between the parties concerned. Each application class shall be combined with a design pressure, PD, of 0.4 MPa, 0.6 MPa, 0.8 MPa, 1.0 MPa or 1.2 MPa, as applicable.
62 Influence on water intended for human consumption
Insert the following text at the end of the clause:
Pipes, joints, fittings and seals intended for use with drinking and recycled water shall conform to the requirements of ASINZS 4020.