AS NZS 2982:2010 – Laboratory design and construction.
1.4.35 tcchsnical sentilation
The distribution of ventilating air by the use of supply or exhaust fans or other physical airmoving deiccs.
1.4.36 tinistrs of Agriculture and Fores(r’ (MAF) Hiosecurily Ness Zealand
Inspects and assesses imports for exotic pests and diseases.
1.4.37 Natural sentilalion
Ventilation by natural airflow through fixed sentilators. doors or openable windows due to thermal or pressure gradients.
1.3.38 NIIMRC (National Health and Medical Research Coumil)
The council that advises the Australian community on the achievement and mainerlance of the highest practicable standards of indisidual and public health. Ii fosters research in the interests of impros ing health standards.
1.4.39 PaIhoen
An organism capable of causing disease in people. animals or plants
1.4.40 Physical containment
Containment that is defined as follows:
(a) (leneral The safe methods for managing hazardous or infectious agents in the laborator ensironnient where Lhe% are being handled or maintained, Physical containment reduces or cliniinatcs thc exposure of laboratory workers, other persons. and the outside enS ironment to potentially hazardous agents.
(bI Primary piwsical conhmunrnenf The protection of personnel and the immediate laboratory environment from exposure to ha7ardous or infectious agents provided by good laboratory practice and the use of appropriate safety equipment.
(c) Secondary phvxkai cvmlasnmt’nl The protection of the environment external to the laboratory. provided by a combination of facility design and operational practices.
NOTE: The risk assessment of the work to be performed ssih a specific agent will determine the selection of the appropriate combination of primary and secondary physical contaInment.
1.4.41 Plenum
An air compartment or chamber, intended for the passage of air, to which one or more ducts ma be connected arid which forms part of an air-handling system.
1.4.42 Potable water
Water that is suitable for human consumption, food preparation, utensil washing and oral hygiene.
1.4.43 Radiation protection ads iser (RPA)
A person ippointcd l, the managementempluser sshener radioucti’,c substances are used in amounts that require licensing, or wherever irradiating apparatus is used,
1.4.44 Reticulated sers ices
Services such as liquids or gases that are distributed through pipes or conduits.
1.4.45 Risk
The probability that—
(a) a hazard may be realized at a specific level in a gisen span of time: or
(b) an individual may suffer a specified level of injury as a result of a hazard, in a given spancy time.
This Section applies to laboratory areas (inclLtding physical containment areas) where there are risks of contamination from hazardous materials and safety issues related to these materials. Areas physically separated by walls and not at risk of contamination (e.g. office. computer room, paper store) are not constrained by these clauses.
If chemicals or instrumentation that are sensitive to direct sunlight are present in the laboratory, the design of the applicable laboratory shall exclude all direct sunlight penetration that exceeds an intensity of 100 W1m2. The solar intensity limit shall he as measured internally in a plane normal to the solar radiation.
NOTE: See also AS:NLS 2243.1.
Laboratories shall have adequate structural integrity to suit their intended purpose. NOTE: Some applications require higher structural strength than mandated by the building code (e.g. pressurized rooms, rooms exposed to risk of explosion and vibration sensitive rooms).
Construction materials and finishes shall he chosen to address the risks of contaminant exposure applicable to laboratory areas.
Floors in laboratories shall comply with the INlossing:
(a) All floors in laboratory work areas shall be tinished with materials that are
(i) easy to clean;
(ii) smooth;
(iii) impervious;
(iv) resistant to chemicals used in the laboratory;
(v) compatible with the nature of the laboratory operations and operator comfort:
(vi) slip resistant in accordance with the requirements of AS/N/S 4586 and AS/N/S 4663.
(b) Joints in slabs shall be avoided as far as possible but where used shall be constructed in such a way that they are sealed against penetration by hazardous tuaterials.
(c) Where openings in floors are required they shall he designed to present the penetration of liquids.
NOTE: Openings in floors (or sen ice pipes can be installed in a raised ptinth of the height of the skirting.