ASME B107.60-2004 pdf – Pry Bars
ASME B107.60-2004 pdf – Pry Bars.
hund1e addihonal material that is securely attached to the body and s to be gripped during use.
point end portion of bar having a tapered. mund. crosssectionai area that is intended for aligning applications.
pnjrng edge edge formed by the tapering of the chisei end or claw end.
prying end: portion of bar having a chisel end or a claw end.
safety message: information imprinted on or affixed to the bar that is intended to proirote safety.
shall and should: mandatory requirements of this Standard are characterized by the word “shall’ If a provision is of an advisory nature, it is indicated by the word “should” or is stated as a recommendation.
Pry bars shall pass the tests specified in para. 6 as applicable.
5.1 Design
5.1.1 Type I: Close Quarter. Pry bars shall have a sharply bent chisel end prvvichng leverage in limited space applications and a pointed end br alignment applications.
5.1.2 Type II: Die Sctter Pry bars shall hate a bent half ioop chisel end for separating or prying applications and a straight chisel end for scraping or prying.
5.1.3 Type UI: Handled. Dry bars shall have a light1y bent chisel nd for separating, scraping,, or prying applications arid a handle grip.
5.1.4 Type IV: Pinch. Dry bars shall hwe a slightly bent chisel end for separating, scraping. or prying application. and a pointed end for alignment applications.
5.1.5 Type V: Rolling Head. Pry bars chall have a formed rounded chisel end that acts as a to provide leverage and a porited end for alignment publications.
5.2 MatenaLs
The materials used in the manufacture of pry bars shall be suth as to produce pry bars confomung to the requirements specthed herein.
5.3 Mechanical Properties
Pry bars shah have a maximum hardness HRC or equealent.
54 Surface Conditions
Pry bars shalL be free of noniunctic>nal sharp edges, points, and surface roughres that could inflict personal injury to the user or adverelv alfect performance.
Many tests required herein are inherently hazardous and ad equate safeguards for pcrsonn &. and property shall be employed in conducting such testc. Test5 saI1 be conductcd at temperature between 4IYF and YF.
Separate (new) samples shall be used for each test Failurr to meet the requirements of the apphcabTe tests indicates that the pry bars do not comply with this Standard.
6.1 Hardness
Hardness determination shall be made in accordance with ASTM ElS.
6.2 PryIng Tests
6.2.1 Prying End Test. The load shall be applied near the middle of the handle or grip area of the pry bar (see Fig. 6). AppLy a slüw, steady load to the pr bar to meet the torque spe*iIit’d in Table 1. If the blade or tip fails takes a permanent set, or if the handle loosens from the pry bar. the pry bar has failed this test.
6.2.2 Point End Test. The load shaLl be applied near the middle of the handle or gnp area ot the pry bar (see Fig 7). Apply a slow, steady load to the pry bar to meet the minimum bend angle specthed Table 2.