(b) A positive locking device or boom support shill be provided to prevent the boom from rotating when in slowed position for transit.
Section 22.1.4: Crane Transport
Commercial truck vehicle-mounted cranes shall meet applicable requirements of U.S. Department of Trancpnrtation Standards.
Section 221 .b: Hope and Reeving Accessories
22 1.5.1 Ropc Design Factors
(a) For supporting ratcd loads and for supporting the boom and working attachments at recommended travel or transit positions and boom lengths:
(I) the design factor for live or running ropes that wind on drums or travel over sheaves shall be not less than 3.5;
(2) the design factor for boom pendans or standing ropes shall not be less than 3.0.
(b) For supporting rated loads, rotation resistant ropes shall have a design factor of 5 or greater.
(c) The design factor specified in the paragraphs 22 l.S.l(a)(!), (2), 2nd (b) shall be the tota! “nominal” hreakrng strength of all ropes in the system divided 1w the load imnnsrd on the roni system when sunnortino the static weights o structure and crine rated load.
22-1.5.2 Ropes
(a) The ropes shall be of a construction recommended by the rope or crane manufacturer, or a qualified person. for that service.
(b) Socketing shall be done as recommended by the manufacturer of the assembly or a qualified person.
(c) If a load is supported by more than one part of ropt, ttw tension in the parts shall be equalized.
(d) Wherever exposed to ambient temperatures at the rope in excess of 180°F (82°C), rope having an independent wire-rope nr wire-strand core or other temperature-damage resistant core shall be used.
(e) Rotation-resistant rnpes ind fiber core ropes shall not be used br rxxm extension systems or boom support reeving.
22-1.5.3 Reeving Accessories
(a) Eye splices shall be madc as recommended by the rope or crane manufacturer, or a qualificd pcrson. and rope thimbles shou!d be used in the eye.
(b) Wire rope clips shall be drop-forged steel of the single saddle (U-bolt) or double saddle type Malleable cast iron clips shall not be used. For spacing, number of clips, and torque values, refer to the clip manufacturer’s recommendation. Wire rope clips
attached with U-bolts shall have the U-bolt over the dead end of the rope and the live rope resting in the lip sadde. Clips shall be lightened evenly to the recommended torque. After the initial load is applied to the rope. the clip nuts shall be retightened to the recommended torque to compensate for any decrease in rope diameter caused by the load. Rope clip nuts
should be retightened periodically to compensate for any furher decrease in rope diameter during usage.
(C) Swaged. compressed. or wedge socket fttings shall be applied as recommended by the rope. crane. or fiting manufacurer. or a qualfed person.
(d) Wire rope clips used in conjunctton with wedge sockets shall be attached to the unloaded dead end of the rope only.
22-1.5.4 Sheaves
(a) Sheave grooves shall be free from surface conditions which would cause rope damage. The cross-sectional radius at the bottom of the groove should be such 2s to form 2 close- fting saddle for the size rope used, and the sides of the groove should be tapered onuitwardly to facilitate entrance of the rope into the groove. Flange comers should be rounded and the rims
should run true about the axis of rotation.
(b) Sheaves carrying ropes which can be momentarily unloaded shall be provided with close ftting guards or other devices to guide the rope back into the groove when the load is reapplied.
(c) The sheaves in the lower load block shall be equipped with close-fitting guards that will prevent ropes from becoming fouied when the biock is iying on the ground with ropes slack.
(d) All slreave bearings, except permanently lubricated bearings, shall be provided with neans for lubrication.
22-1.5.5 Sheave Sizes
(a) Load hoisting sheaves shall have pitch diameters not less than 18 times the nomina! diameter of the rope used
(b) Lower load block sheaves shall have pitch diameters of not less than 16 times the nominal diameter of the rope used.
(c) Boom extension system sheaves shall have a pitch diameter of not less than 15 times the nominal diameter of the rope.