5.2 Heat Analysis — An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the bar manufacturer to determine for Grades A and B the percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, and sulfur. This analysis shall he made from a test ingot taken during the pouring of the heat. The chemical composition thus determined shall he reported to the purchaser or his representative and shall conform to the requirements for heat analysis in accordance with Table 1.
5.3 Product Analysis — An analysis may he made by the purchaser from finished materials representing each heat. The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the requirements for product analysis prescribed in Table I.
5.4 Application of heats of steel to which bismuth, selenium, tellurium, or lead has been intentionally added shall not be permitted.
5.5 Chemical analyses shall he performed in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology
A 751.
6. Mechanical Properties
6.1 Rivet Bend Tests:
6.1.1 The rivet shank of Grade A steel shall stand being bent cold through 1800 flat on itself, as shown in Fig. 1, without cracking on the outside of the bent portion.
6.1.2 The rivet shank of Grade B steel shall stand being bent cold through 180° without cracking on the outside of the bent portion in accordance with Table 2.
6.2 Rivet Flattening Tests — The rivet head shall stand being flattened, while hot, to a diameter 2 times the diameter of the shank, as shown in Fig. 2, without cracking at the edges.
6.3 Bar Tensile Properties — Bars shall conform to the tensile requirements in accordance with Table 3.
6.4 Bar Bend Tests:
6.4.1 The test specimen for Grade A steel bars shall stand being bent cold through 180° flat on itself without cracking on the outside of the bent portion.
6.4.2 The test specimen for Grade B steel bars shall stand being bent cold through 180° without cracking on the outside of the bent portion to an inside diameter which shall have a relation to the diameter of the specimen in accordance with Table 4.
7. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
7.1 Rivets:
7.1.1 The dimensions of rivets shall conform to B 1 8• 1.2 for nominal diameters in. and larger and B 18. 1 .1 for nominal diameters in. and less.
7.1.2 Snap gage measurement shall be made at the point of minimum diameter, but it is not required thai the rivet shall turn completely in the gage. Measurements of the maximum tolerance shall be made with a ring gage, all rivets to slip full to the head in the gage of the required size for the various diameters.
7.2 Bars — The diameter of hot-finished rivet bars shall not vary from the size specified by more than the amounts in accordance with Table 5.
8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
8.1 Rii’ets The finished rivets shall he true to form, concentric, and free of injurious defects.
8.2 Bars:
8.2.1 Bars shall be free of visible pipe, undue segregation, and injurious surface imperfections.
8.2.2 Surfitce Finish — The bars shall have a corn mercial hot-wrought finish obtained by conventional hot rolling. See 4.4 for producers descaling option.
9. Number of Tests and Retests
9.1 Ri’ets — Sampling for rivet bend and rivet flattening tests shall be in accordance with Guide F 1470, detection process.
9.2 Bars:
9.2.1 Two tension tests shall he made from each heat, unless the finished material from a heat is less than 50 tons (45 Mg), when one tension test will be sufficient. However, for material 2 in. (5 1 mm) and under in thickness, when the material from one heat differs in. (9.5 mm) or more in thickness, one tension test shall be made from both the thickest and the thinnest material rolled regardless of the weight represented. Each test shall conform to the specified requirements.
9.2.2 Retests on bars may be made in accordance with Specification A 29/A 29M.
10. Specimen Preparation
10.1 Rivets — Rivets shall be tested in their full-size finished condition.
10.2 Bars:
10.2.1 Test specimen selection and preparation shall be in accordance with Specification A 29/A 29M and Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
10.2.2 Tension and bend test specimens for rivet bars which have been cold drawn shall he normalized before testing.