IEC 61000-4-15:2010 pdf – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMG)- Part 4-15:Testing and measurement techniques -Flickermeter -Functionaland design specifications
IEC 61000-4-15:2010 pdf – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMG)- Part 4-15:Testing and measurement techniques -Flickermeter -Functionaland design specifications.
This part of IEC 61000 gives a functional and design specification for flicker measuring apparatus Intended to indicate the correct flicker perception level for all practical voltage fluctuation waveforms. Information Is presented to enable such an instrument to be constructed. A method is given for the evaluation of flicker severity on the basis of the output of fllckermeters complying with this standard.
The tlickerrneter specifications in this part of lC 61000 relate only to measurements of 120 V and 230 V. 50 Hz and 60 Hz inputs, Charactenstics of some incandescent lamps for other voltages are sufficiently similar to the values in Table 1 and Table 2, that the use of a correction factor can be applied for those other voltages Some of these correction factors are provided in the Annex B Detailed specifications for voltages and frequencies other than those given above, remain under consideration,
The object of this part of IEC 81000 is to provide basic information for the design and the instrumentation of an analogue or digital flicker measuring apparatus It does not give tolerance limit values of flicker severity.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the appiicatlon of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60068 (all parts), Environmental testing
IEC 61000-3-3. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 3-3: L,mits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current 516 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
IEC 61000-3-11, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 3-11: Limits — Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems — Equipment with rated current 575 A and subject to conditional connection
IEC 61010-1. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use — Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61326-1, Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use — EMC requirements — Part 1: General requirements
3 Parameters and symbols
3.1 DIrectly measured parameters and characteristIcs
3.1.1 General
The examples in Figure 52a, Figure B.2b. Figure .2c and Figure B.2d are intended to assist flickermeter manufacturers with the correct implementation for the determination of the parameters specified in this clause.
3.1.2 Half period rms value of the voltage
Is the rms voltage of the mains supply voltage, aetermined over a half penod. between consecutive zero crossings of the fundamental frequency voltage.
3.1.3 Half period rms value characteristIcs
Are the characteristics versus time of the half period mis value, determined from successive U values, see also the examples in Annex B.
3.1.4 Relative half period rmns value characteristics
The characteristics versus time of the half period rms values expressed as a ratio of the nominal voltage U
3.1.5 Steady state voltage and voltage change characteristics
This subclause defines the evaluation of half cycle rms voltage values over time. Two basic conditions are recognized, being periods where the voltage remains in steady state and periods where voltage changes occur.
A steady state condition exists when the voltage Uh remains within the specified tolerance band of ±0,2 % for a minimum of 1001120 half cycles (50 Hz160 Hz) of the fundamental frequency.
At the beginning of the test, the average rms voltage, as measured during the last second preceding the test observation period, shall be used as the starting reference value fnr d6. and dhp(t) calculations, as well as for the purpose of dma1. and d(t) measurements, In the event that no steady state condition during given tests is established, the parameter d shall be reported to be zero
As the measurement during a test progresses, and a steady state condition remains present, the sliding 1 s average value Uhp avg of Uhp is determined, i.e. the last 100 (120 for 60 Hz) values of U, are used to compte U . This value UhF, is subsequently used to determine whether or not the steady state ondition continues, md it is also the reference for d and d1 determination m the event that a voltage change occurs.
For the determination of a new steady state condition •d’ after a voltage change has
occurred, a first value , dh(t is used. Around this value a tolerance band of ±0.002 Un (±0.2 % of U) is determined. The steady state condition is considered to be present If Uhp(t) does not leave the tolerance band for 100 half consecutive periods (120 for 60 Hz) of the fundamental frequency.