IEC 62599-1:2010 pdf – Alarm systems – Part 1:Environmental test methods.
4 Environmental classes
This part of IEC 62599 specifies the tests and seventies to be used for each of the following environmental classes:
I Indoor but reatricted to residentialloffice environment (e.g. living rooms and offices)
II Indoor in general
(e.g. sales floors, shops, restaurants, stairways, manufacturing and assembly areas. entrances and storage rooms)
Ill Outdoor but sheltered from dir.ct raIn and sunshin., or Indoor with •xtr•m• environmental conditions (e.g. garages, lofts, barns and loading bays)
IV Outdoor In g.n.ral
Classes I. II, Ill and IV are progressively more severe, and therefore class IV equipment may be used in class Ill applications. etc.
A special suffix A can be added to classes Ill and IV. to cater for the especially cold conditions found in the very north of Europe. The environmental classes, lIlA and IVA, are identical to classes Ill and IV, respectively, apart from the conditioning temperature in the cold (operational) nd temperature change (operational) tests. The testing for CIasse5 lIlA and IVA shall, therefore, be conducted as 1o classes Ill and IV, respectively, except for these tests, in which the lower conditioning temperature. indicated in the appropriate tables (see 10.3.4 and 11.3.4), shall be used.
5 Standard laboratory conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the atmospheric conditions in the laboratory shall be the standard atmospheric conditions for measurements and tests, specified in 5.3.1 of IEC 60068-1:1988. as follows:
— temperature: 15 C to 35 C:
— relative humidity: 25 % to 75 %;
— air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa.
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6 Tolerances
Unless otherwise stated, the tolerances for the environmental test parameters shall be as given in the basic reference standards for the test (e.g. the relevant part of IEC 60068-2).
7 Information to be included in the relevant product standard
The lohowing information, which is required to conduct the environmental tests, shall be included in the relevant product standard making reference to this standard:
a) the equipment class (fixed, movable or portable — see Clause 3);
b) the mounting arrangements for the specimen;
c) any deviations from the specified test procedure(s) or test seventy(ies):
d) any initial measurements or inspections, to be made before conditioning (e.g. a functional test);
a) the state of the specimen required during conditioning (e.g. the configuration and operating conditions);
1) any monitoring of the specimen and any measurements or inspections to be made during conditioning (eg a functional test, where possible);
g) any final measurements or inspections to be made after the conditioning (e.g. a functional test and a visual inspection) and any special recovery conditions required before these measurements;
h) the pass/fail criteria:
i) the test schedule, which gives the allocation of specimens to each test.
The following points should be taken into account during the drafting of the product standard making reference to this standard:
— The information, a) to h) above, may differ from test to test or between types of tests (e.g. between operational and endurance tests).
— For some types of equipment, it may not be possible to make the usual functional test during the conditioning of some of the tests, due to limitations imposed on the equipment (e.g. being placed Inside an environmental chamber). It may therefore be necessary to conduct a reduced functional test or to omit the functional test during conditioning. In other tests, It Is not possible to do a functional test during conditioning, due to the transitory or changing nature of the conditioning.
— The product standards should Indicate whether any memory back up batteries should remain connected during endurance tests, and if so whether the memory contents should be retained.
8 Dry heat (operational)
8.1 Object of the test
To demonstrate the ability of the equipment to function correctly at high ambient temperatures, which may occur for short periods in the anticipated service environment.
8.2 Principle
The test consists of exposing the specimen to the high temperature for sufficient time to allow temperature stability to be reached, and for functional tests and/or monitoring to be conducted ‘Free air’ conditions are simulated for heat dissipating specimens to allow for self.heating effects
8.3 Test procedure
8.3.1 General
The test apparatus and procedure shall generally be as described in IEC 60068-2-2:2007.