ISO 11484:2019 pdf download – Steelproducts— Employer’s qualification system for non- destructive testing (NDT’) personnel.
prclical examination
assessment of practical skills, in which the candidate (3J) demonstrates familiarity with, and the ability to perform, the lest
ISOURCF.: ISO 9712:2012. 3.221
demonstration of plysical attributes, knowledge. skill, training and experience required to properly perform NDT tasks
(SOURCE: ISO 9712:2012, 3.23j
qualification examination
examInation administered by the emplover(3.4). which assesses the general. specific and practical knowledge and the skill of the candidate (3Ji
ISOURCE: ISO 9712:2012, 3.24. modified employer” has replaced “certification body or the authorited qualification body”.J
qualified supervision
superiüEnn 3.32) of candidates QJ) gaining experience by NDT personnel qualified in the same method under supersision or by non-qualified personnel who, in the opinion 01’ the employer t3.4. possess the knowledge, skill, training and experience required to properly pertorm such supersision
(SOURCE: ISO 9712:2012. 3.25. modified — “employcr has replaced “certification body”.J
qualivint body
hod> or department, independent from that of production. authori,ed by the employer (4) to undertake the preparation and administration of examinations
NoW I in cnlry: The qwiIiiyin IssIy aI ld,.o bc an esirtmal e*niLum operating under the misiie o( the cnW4oer.
3.23 renewal
procedure for the re-validation of qualification 3.19 without eiamination at any time up to five years after success in an initial, supplementary or re-quuIfi cation (3.24) examination
process for the re-validation of qualficarion (I by examination or by otherwise satisfying the qualification body that the established criteria for qualification are satisfied
re-s alidatlon
act of demonstrating that a verified procedure remains perftwming over time and performs its intended function
3.26 setup
mechanical and/or electronic adjusimetit of NDT equipment to establish the testing parameters and testing sensitivity required by the pec,jicuii n(j.2) of the product to be tested
significant interruption
absence or change of activity that prevents the qualified individual from practicing the duties corresponding to the level in the relevant method within the qualified scope For either a continuous period in excess of one year or two or more periods for a total time cxceeding two years
Niige I Ioeniry: l.qal he’hda. pcn. of sckoc,.s or O*USCS of los dijn 1(1 days are ma lam mb aonl when cakutairng the ifllcrTlxMal
ISOURCE: ISO 9712:2012. 3.27, modified — “qualified individual” has replaced “certified individual” and relevant method within the qualified scope has replaced mcthod and the sectorfs) within the certified Scope .1
specific examination
wriuen examinanon. at Level I or Level 2. concerned with lesling techniques applied in a particular seclorjs. including knowledge of the produces I tested, and of codes. standaxd.xprctflcusions (Zl. ‘DTprrNdurs (3J_4 and acs.eptance criteria
(SOURCE ISO 9712:2012. 3.2KJ
document slating requirements (SOURCE: ISO 9712:2012, 3.291
lest sample used in prar:irui e’.wnhinuf ions containing known artificial or natural defects, which is representative of products typically tested in the applicable sector(s)
ISOURCE: ISO 9712:2012. 3.30. modified — “test sample” has replaced sample”, “containing known uii1icial or naturul defccts has replaced “possibly including radiographs arid data scts, and the Noi I to entry has been deleied.I
specimen master report
model answer, indicating the optimum result for a practical examinaiurn (3J.. I given a defined set of conditions je.g. equipment type, seuings. test technique. ,cpecinwns I,)ll against which the caodiclafr’s 13-1 test report is graded
(SOURCE: ISO 9712:2012, 3.311
act of directing the application of NOT performed by other NOT personnel, which includes the control of actions involved in the preparation of the test, performance of the test and reporting of the results
(SOURCE: ISO 9712:2012. 3.32)
written internal procedure
procedure developed by the tmployrr (41 that details the requirements for qualification [Jl of the employees.