ISO 6915:1991 pdf download – Flexible cellular polymeric materials 一Polyurethane foam for laminate use -Specification.
3 Appearance
3.1 The material shall consist of a unilorm network of celia and shall ho Irea from any flaws, Mains and other defects whkh might detrimentally affect the serviceability.
3.2 MaterIal of thickness up to and including
6 mm shall lie flat when laid on a flat surface.
3.3 The material shall have no holes more than
3 mm In diameter through the full thickness of the
loam. The maximum number of holes of diameter
between 1.5 mm and 3 mm In any 60 in5 of material
shall be not more than four loq- rnateriai of thickness
2 mm or less, and riot more than eIght for thicker
3.4 The colour shall be reasonably unilorm and shall be as aipeed between the supplier and the purchaser, having regard to the tettdency br polyurethane loam to change colour on exposure to light.
4 JoInts
Where Ills necessary to join iength, of material together, the joint shall be as strong as the loam itself. and the adhesive or method ol)onlng used shall not be injurious to the loam or to the material to which ills to be laminated. The construction and minimum spacing of joints shall be as agreed between the purchaser arid the supplier.
5 Odour
The material shall be free from objectionable odour,
The degree of permIssible odour shall be agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
8 Cell count
The cell count shall be a. agreed between the purchaser and the supplier subject to a tolerance of ± 10 %. It shall be expressed In cells per linear
100 mm, and shall be determined by the method described tn annex A.
NOTE I Th. cell count method deecribed produce. a reeult r.prewitativ. of th. count at a .inIe position. Vavlalkma may uxui within a ahe.4 u( loam and. If necessary, the.. can be established by agr.amenl between the purchaser and the suppliei
9 Performance requirements
The performance requirements, determined In accordance with the appiopriato method. indlcel.d In table 3, shall be in accordance with the limits stated In the tabte
10 Packaging and marking
The product shall be packaged In such a manner as to be protected against possible contamination and deformation. Each product or package halI be marked with the following Information:
a) the name and/or distinctive mark of the manufactur.r
b) the batch number of other reference to identity the individual rolls with manufacturing batches;
C) the nominal thickness,
d) the nominal width;
e) the length;
I) the number of this International Standard and type of sheeting.
This annex doacribes a method br moasuring the cell count of cellular material. It Is a method of comparing th cell structure of loam materials.
Due to the variatIon In Individual cell size even In uniform cell structures, Ills more convenient to report the numb., of cells per unit length rather than the actual ccli size.
A.2 Definition
For the purposes of this annex, the following delinition applies:
A.2.1 cell count the number of cells per 100 mm In the cellular material under specified conditions.
A.3 Apparatus
A 25 mm cloth counting glass shall be used.
A.4 Test pieces
Test pieces may consist of any sample of loam matorlel which is free of skin and hoe a plane surface large enough to accommodate the counting glass.
Surfaces revealing a marked elongation of the cellular structure or sirlatlons shall nof be measured unless pevifluliy required
AS Conditioning
Test pieces shall not be measured less than 72 h after manufacture. Prior to measurement, the test pieces shall be stored for al least 16 h in one of the followIng standard atmospheres:
23 C ± 2 C, (50 ± 5) % relative humidity;
27 C ± 2 C, (65 ± 5) % relative humidity.
A.6 Procedure
After conditioning as described in AS, lay the test piece on a flat, hoizontal surface without strain and count the actual number of cells against the counting edge of the glass. Cariy out three counts at a given position. Multiply the median value of the three counts by four to provide the count per 100 mm.
Where cell counts along and across the test piece are important, a set of counts shall be made in each direction.
NOT! 2 The process of counting may be eased by
lightly malking the eurt ace of the lo wIth Ink In the counting area, to incaiIe She uppeonoet layer of 011s.