ISO 8866:1991 pdf download – Rotary core diamond drilling equipment – system C.
This lnternational Standard specifies the material forand the dimensions of rotary core diamond drillingequipment。system c.
NOTE1Cutting materlals other than diamond may beused.
lt applies to
slngle- and double-tube core barrels.includingdiamond core bits。reaming shells. core liners.core-lifer cases,core tubes (outer and inner)and heads;
-drill rods and couplings;-casing tubes and couplings.
The casing tubes are not designed for drilling. andthe caslng string is only employed lor casing-off thehole.
The range of equlpment covers diamond core dril-ing of holes from35 mm to 112 mm in diameter(outer bit diameter) with the corresponding core di-ameters from 21 mm to 92 mm.
single- and double-tube core barrels provide ameans of coring compact_rocks (types Mand DMcore barrels),fissured and fractured rocks (types Tand DT core barrelsyand fractured and broken-downrocks (type DP core barrels).
The deslgnation of items complying with this lnter-national Standard comprises
— the name of the item;
the letler(s) identifying the core barrel type (notapplicable to drill rods and coupling. casingtubes and casing couplings);
– the nominal outside diameter of the item;- the letter c(denoting system C).
Reaming shell DT59CDrill rod 54C
3 Material
The equipment shall be manufactured from ma-ferials whlch. in the manufactured items.providemechanical properties not less than those given in table 1.