ISO 9150:1988 pdf download – Protective clothing一Determination of behaviour of materials on impact of small splashes of molten metal.
4 Principle
Prcection of moIt.n metal drOps ci e polni on . veritcelly odentod test specimen and measurement of the number of dropi required to ceo,. e 40 K temperature rae en a sensor bshirid the specimen.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Device for producing molten metal drops [see figure 1)
The end of a steel rod (551 a melted w the ltanw at en oxyacetlene welding-torch with orifice diameter 1,2nwm *0,1mm.11 Th. rod is advanced by means of a vsiable speed motor with a system of pulleys ande rope, and is affixed to the rod-holder weich is provided with a counterweight.
The axis of the burner jet is perpendiculer to the rod. The distance d between the rod and burner tip is adjustshle (see figure 2).
The feed rates of oxygen and acetylene are oontroled by flowrneters.
5.2 Drop guide (see figure 3
This device is designed to collect the drop arid to guide then towards the verecally oriented Ia,? specimen
It comprises a tunnel machined from poM.trafluoeoethene ressil’ and is provided with a support that is adjustable In iii lIve. planes. The funnel is inclined at 450 to the horizontal plene. Its cytindricel pert shell dow the peseege of a rod with a diameter of 5 nvtt ± 0,2 mm.
Provide a co on top of the drop guide and cover the drop guide when not In use.
5.3 Sensor for measuring the temperature. link.d to a r.cordlng device
Thu eaiwi xujuIL ljluk Ind%,lláIled 1100) a iui.s,Lu.y
insulating rnetarialt’ having a thermal conductivity of 0.125 W/Im.K) + 0O1 WI(m.Kt st40 C and a sçw’sfic herd capacity of I,15J1(g-K) ± 0,1 Jug-K), to the dimensions shown In fIgure 4. Two holes neer the Centre serve to accept the lead wir,. to the sensor, end four holes at the corners are provided to ettach the support block to the specimen-holding frame,
As the sensor. use a platinum res.stoi’I conforming to NF C 42-fl) 1100 C) at 0 °C. flat, dimensions 12,5 mm x 10 mm, polytatrafh,oroethytene coatedi.
On the outer surface of the seneor support block, provide a racees of 13,5mm x 11 ‘ten mist deep enough 10 intiad the sensor so that its surfooe Fwotiudcs 0,5 item ± 0,2 mm. Attach the sewor In the receea by means of a heat-resistant adhesive.
Connect the sensor to an appropriate electronic device wfich converts the reestance change to tenersture difference. It shell bo Ldpdbb 01 discrwn.iiatiny ± 0,5 IC.
5.4 HoldIng fram. for the test specimen
The specinw-holrIing Io supports the sensor (5.31. It allows the specimen to be maintained under tension by. system of pulley-damps and by a counterweight (see figure 51.
Us. counterwelofits of 175g ± Sgon both sidesol the test specimen or elt.m.tivdy, 11i on. end of the lest specimen me clamp end attach a 175 g ± 5g counterweight to the other, The trofl of t114 spl4 is austable horizontally and vertically.
5.5 Ste& rods
Steat rode of linear densrry g — 0,5 g!cm ± 0,2 g,an.
6 Specimen
Cut test spe.clma… nweauring 120 mm x 20 mm from the Laboratory sample at a distano. 01st least 50 Ivan from the edges of the sample. Fold over the edije. of the test specimen at a distance of 15 nan from both end. and staple them so as to enable the specimen to ha teetned to the damps (see figure 6).
Cut at least 10 lest spacanars.
Condition the test specimens for 24 h In accordance with
ISO 139 1973. option 2.2.1 (85 % RH ± 2 % RH at 20 °C ± 2 °C.
7 Procedure
WARNING Health and safety of operators
On exposure to molten met.l. organic materials may pyrolyse with formation of toxic or noxious products. Therefore. tests according to this method shall be carried out Wi an enclosure where adequat, air extraction I, available upon completion of each test
Protectiv, gloves hall be worn when handling hot ob.cts, If close-up inspection of apparatus or test p.clm.n is required during testing eye end fec. protection should be provided.
Catch metal drops In a sultab4a receptacle underneath the .p.cim.n holder.
7.1 conditions
Perform the teat in a draught-free room without any source of he.t other than that required for the test.