ISO 9403:2000 pdf download – Crude petroleum – – Transfer accountability一Guidelines for cargo inspection. Vessel temperature Portable electronic thermometers (PET) having an accuracy conforming to are preferred. A minimum of three readings (upper, middle and lower) should be taken and the average reporled and used for volume calculations. In the absence of a PET, a spot temperature taken at mid-level using a cup-case thermometer, having an accuracy conforming to 6.2,, should be determined and reported. Automatic tank gauging
If an automatic tank level and temperature gauging system is used on board, verily the readings by manual
measurements, if possible. Ballast tanks
Inspect the ballast tanks and record the quantity of ballast on board. Investigate and report the presence of any gaugeable crude petroleum lying on the surface of the ballast water and. if possible, take a sample of it. Report any suspected leakage to and from cargo and ballast tanks. Sampling
Take samples representative of the total cargo depth of each cargo tank such that a volumetric composite sample for each parcel may be prepared, preferably in the laboratory, for appropriate testing. Refer to ISO 3170. Obtain samples from siops separately. Dlstributlon.retenhlon of vessel samples
Sutficent samples should be obtained to meet the requirements of interested parties and regulatory agencies. Sampling and testing requirements are generally specified by interested parties.
ldentxal samples should be provided for
a) the loading terminal:
b) the unloading terminal via the vessel’s master:
C) independent Inspectors, and
d) all other parties designated to receive them. which may include the vessel owner.
Samples placed on board the vessel for delivery to the discharge port should be properly labelled and sealed, and be acknowledged by a receipt signed by the vessel’s representative. A copy of the signed receipt should be included In the Inspection report.
The length of time that samples are to be retained should be established, This time should be consistent with the circumstances. experience and policies of the parties involved in the custody transfer. Sea valves
If possible, confirm In the presence of the vessel’s personnel that sea valves and overboard discharge valves are closed and that the seals are still inlaci II the seals are not intact, attempt to ascertain the reasons why they were broken and issue a letter of protest.
Record the findings in the inspection report. Bunker survey
The procedure described in should be carñed out. Volume calculations
The GSV for each tank should be calculated usrng the ullage (see corrected for tnmf list as appropriate, and the average temperature of the lank. An average temperature for the entire vessel should not be used.
The records should also include the measurement and quantity for the free water, GOV. and the average temperature of each tank. Calculate the TCV and subtract th€ 080 for comparison with the shore TCV loaded,
6.4.2 Load-port inspection and calculations Terminal loading lines
Determine the quantity and quality of material in the terminal loading lines prior to taking closing tank gauges or meter readings Report findings and include line-content changes in the quantity calculations. Refer to 6.22,1.
NOTE When required, determine the ditlererioe in NSV 01 the line contents before and after loacang. using the same procedure as above. Apply any citterence to the quantities calculated above, Tank measurements
Take closing gauges, temperatures and water cuts of each tank used in the loading. Record results on the shore
measurement report. Refer to Tank samples
When required, take tank samples after loading in accordance with ISO 3170. Specify the locations from which the samples were obtained.
NOTE It is normal practice lot the betore•loading density and suspended sediment and water determinations (8.22.4) to be used in suheequonl calculations. Therefore, tank samples alter load.rig are not ususily required, Automatic in-line sampler
If an automatic in-line sampler was used, ascertain that ii has performed in accordance with ISO 3171.
Report any dithculties (e.g. incorrect sample volume collected) encountered with the in-line sampling procedures. Dynamic measurement
Record the closing meter readings and the meter factor utilized, Obtain a complete copy of all meter-proving forms and meter documentation. Attach them to the completed metered quantity reports and include in the inspection report. If the meter(s) was (were) not proved during loading. indicate the frequency of meter proving and attach a copy of all current meter-proving reports. ISO 4267-2 provides details of quantity calculation and reporting.
6.4.3 Load-port reconcIliatIon Vessel experience factor at loading port
Calculate the VEF (loading) from the vessel’s records. Apply this factor to the ship’s loaded figures. Compare shore and ship loaded figures.
If possible, reconciliation/comparison of shore and ship figures should be made prior to the vessel sailing. In the case of unreconcilable figures. an appropriate notice should be Issued. Refer to 4.3.