ISO IEC 23007-3:2011 pdf – Information technology一Rich media user interfaces Part 3: Conformance and reference software
ISO IEC 23007-3:2011 pdf – Information technology一Rich media user interfaces Part 3: Conformance and reference software.
6 Conformance Sequences
6.1 Introduction
Electronic attachments are organized in the fllowing fashion:
directory mp4: widgets packaged in MP4 files (extension .mgt)
directory wgts: widgets packaged in ZIP files (extension .wgt)
directory widgets: unpackaged widgets
Widgets are implemented in SVG and ECMA-Script unless specified otherwise.
6.2 Sequences
6.2.1 animatedlcon
This widget has an active icon, animated with scripting.
Directory: widgets/animatedlcon
6.2.2 c1
This c1 widget and its component c1comp test many features of MPEG-U, including activation and
deactivation of a component, binding of muitiple interfaces, exchanging various kinds of messages… c1
displays success messages numbered from 000 to 023. One message appears twice as 0-. Any number
missing in the sequence means there is a bug.
Directory; widgets/c1 & widgets/c 1comp
6.2.3 c2
This c2 widget and its component c1comp test some features of MPEG-U, in particular the saving and
restoring of a preference. c1 displays success messages numbered from 000. One message appears twice as
0-. Any number missing in the sequence means there is a bug.
Directory: widgets/c2 & widgets/c 1comp
6.2.4 core
This core widget and its component comp test the predefined messages from the core interfaces specifically.
Directory widgetscore/main & widgets/core/comp
6.2.5 upnp_ light_ switch
Tests the connection with an UPNP service. Intended for use with the Intel Network Light.
Directory: widgets/upnp. light switch
6.2.6 light_ switch_ pair
These two widgets test the connection of two widgets in local or remote mode. One acts as a switch and the
other as a light bulb.
Directory: widgets/ight switch. pair/comwidin and widets/ight. switch. pair/comwidout
7.2.2 MPEG-U Widget Communications
The MPEG-U Widget Communications are managed by some JavaScript code (mpegu-core.js) in order to viterface with the various protocols provided by the utility software. This code is responsible for interface binding and routing messages between widgets, or between a widget and the Widget Manager GUI. For each widget, this script performs the following tasks:
Binding and unbinding to a local interface, e.g. communication between two widgets m the same Widget Manager
• Binding and unbinding to the core: in and oore:out interfaces of the Widget Manager
• Forwarding messages to the GUI of the Widget Manager
• Binding and unbinding to a remote interface discovered through UPnP.
• Publishing interfaces on the network for service providers through UPnP.
l’he UPnP protocol support is implemented In the utility software and can be controlled by JavaScnpt wrappers, as explained in the documentation of the utility software.
This part of the Widget Manager is independent from the scene description technology, and has been successfully used by MPEG-4 BIFS, MPEG-4 LASeR and W3C SVG.
7.2.3 MPEG-U Widget Manager interface
The reference software includes a full featured Widget Manager implemented in an MPEG-4 scene in XMT and JavaScnpt (mpegu-wm.xmt and mpegu-wm.js), The Widget Manager supports:
• Browsing a local hard drive for widget selection,
• Scanning a local hard drive directory for widget selection.
• Displaying the list of installed widgets icons,
• Removing all installed widgets,
• Displaying several widgets and their components on screen.
• Resizing and moving a widget,
• Migrating a widget to another UPnP widget manager,
• Sending oore:in messages and receiving core:out messages.
• Displaying widget rnetadata contained in the manifest,
7.2.4 UtilIty Software
The utility software of ISO/IEC 23007-2 is the Osmo4 player of GPAC I1J. GPAC is an open-source multimedia framework distributed under the LGPI license. Althougri the GPAC framework is distnbuted under LGPL, some modules (dynamic libraries used by GPAC) may use GPL software This Is the case for the module providing UPnP support, which relies on a third party library, Platinum, distributed under GPL,
For convenience, an Installer for the Windows platform Is made available at the following URL:
The installer also includes a compiled version of the C-part of the reference software, as well as a compliant ISO/IEC 23007-1 Widget Manager.
The scene description formats supported by the utility software, and therefore the playable widget formats of the reference software, are.