ISO IEC 24791-2:2011 pdf – Information technology一Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management一Software system infrastructure – Part 2: Data management
ISO IEC 24791-2:2011 pdf – Information technology一Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management一Software system infrastructure – Part 2: Data management.
It is not required that an implementation of the Data Management component exist in an implementation of the Software System Infrastructure. The architecture Is modular, and It is possible for systems to utihze propnetary or purpose-built applications to provide this function, or for systems to not provide this function at all.
8.2 Application Level Events (ALE) Overview
The EPCglobaI Application Level Events Standard (ALE) defines interfaces that provide the Data
Management capabilities defined In ISO)IEC 24791-1 and this part of ISO11EC 24791.
As summarized in ALE, these interfaces are:
— The Reading API — an interface through which clients may obtain filtered, consolidated tag data from a variety of sources. In particular, clients may read RFID tags using REID readers.
— The Writing API — an Interface through which clients may cause operations to be performed on relevant RFID tags through a variety of actuators. In particular, clients may write RFID tags using RFID readers’ (capable of writing tags) and printers.
— The Tag Memory Specification API — an interface through which clients may define symbolic names that refer to data fields of tags.
The Logical Reader Configuration API — an interface through which clients may define logical reader names for use with the Reading API and the Writing API. each of which maps to one or more source&acuators provided by the implementation.
The Access Control API – an interface through which clients may define the access rights of other clients to use the facilities provided by the other APIs.
ALE defines both synchronous requestlresponse and asynchronous specification of desired tag operations requested by Data Management Client Endpoints to Data Management Services Endpoints Clients can specify the desired parameters of Event Cycles or Command Cycles that request read or tag access (e.g. write) operations, respectively, Clients are also able to specify the desired format of the resulting output.
9 Data Management Use of ALE
9.1 Overview
This part of ISO(IEC 24791 is composed of ALE, in its entirety, with extensions and additional conformance requirements to further support operation with ISO!IEC 15962 and the air protocols defined by ISOI’IEC 18000. The remainder of this document clarifies the usage of and defines the extensions to ALE that are required for conformance to this part of ISO/IEC 24791.
9.1.1 Terminology Mapping
The folowing terms used In ALE shall be interpreted in this part of ISOIIEC 24791 as defined In this subclause.
1) ALE Implementation — This Is the Data Management implementation that provdes the support for, and possibly the implementation of, the Data Management Services Endpoint.
2) Gen2 — This Is equivalent to ISOIIEC 18000-6C except where noted.
3) EPC Memory Bank — This is bank 01 as defined in ISO/IEC 18000-6C.
9.12 Support for ISOIIEC 18000 Tag Types
It is a goal of the ISOfIEC 24791 to support operations with the air interlace protocols defined in ISOIIEC 18000, As defined in the SSI architecture, the higher level operations and interfaces, such as those provided by Data Management, exercise less of a control function than those at lower levels In the architecture, such as the Device Interface. However, one of the lower level parameters exposed at the Data Management level of the architecture is the awareness of the air protocol.
Data Management Clients may request operations with parameters and capabdities that depend on the specific tag architecture These indude operations such as locking of memory arid even the accessing of logical partitions of tag memory commonly referred to as memory banks. ALE, and therefore Data Management, provides commands for access to memory banks using symbolic references. It is these symbolic reference definitions for various ISOIIEC 18000 air interface specifications that will be the primary extension mechanism of ALE for ISOiIEC 2479 1-2 Data Management.
The support for the many different air interface standards defined in ISOIIEC 18000 will be specified over time in revisions to ttis part of ISO1IEC 24791. In this revision, ISO/IEC 18000-6C, ISO1IEC 18000-3 Mode 1, and ISOREC 18000-3 Mode 3 are specified.
Because ALE was wntten specifically to support the EPCglobal Gen2 air protocol, there is language In the ALE specification that states that when interacting with any other type of tag, the operation is implementation dependent and should be carefully documented. This part of ISO1IEC 24791 specifically supersedes this statement with the following requirement:
Data Management Implementations shall recognize the Pre-Defined Fieldnarnes and Data Types defined for the air protocols specified In subclause 9.2. However, SSI implementations are not required to Implement support for all ISO/IEC 18000 air protocols defined in this part of ISO/IEC 24791. Decause not all Pre-Defined Fieldnames and Data Types are exclusive to a particular air protocol, it is the responsibility of the implementation to provide the mechanism to inform users of requests for air protocol operations on tags that will not be encountered.