ISO IEC 29183:2010 pdf – lnformation technology -Officeequipment- Method for measuring digital copying productivity of a single one-sided original
ISO IEC 29183:2010 pdf – lnformation technology -Officeequipment- Method for measuring digital copying productivity of a single one-sided original.
last copy out time
number of seconds between the initiation of the job and the complete exit 01 the Last copy
NOTE s denotes trial a single orin is used for the measurement
summary report
presentation of results including the average sFCOT (38) and sESAT (3.7)
test file
digital file used for creating test targets (313)
test target
hardcopy page used for testing according to the test method, created from the test ii. (3,12)
NOTE An equivalent term is ‘est chat,
4 Test parameters and conditions
4.1 Environment
The test environment, including temperature and nurniafly. shall be within me ranges recommendec by the manufacturer for operating the device. If no recommendation is available, the following ranges shall apply,
Temperature: 18 C to 25 ‘C
Relative humidity: 30 % to 70 %
The temperature and humidity ranges of the test environment should be recorded in the fu detailed report (Annex B).
4.2 Voltage
The copying device shall be connected to a voltage supply within the manufacturer specified operating voltage range for the copying device under test.
The measurement should be made under no-load condition poor to each test.
4.3 Copying device setup
Ptace the copying device on a honzontal surface and set up the copying device according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The copying device shall be fully enclosed in its normal exterior cover. The machine and all of it’s necessary supplies shall be acclimated in the test environment prior to conducting the test(s) for at least 8 hours. All supplies used in the test(s), including copy paper, shall be those specified by the manufacturer, All image and copying modes shall be at their factory pie-set configuration for the copying device, It is assumed that the settings listed In Table I are common to all copying devices. These listed settwigs shall be set to the manufacturer’s default or pre-set condition for the device. If a device has settings not listed in Table 1, they too shall be set to default settings. For copying devices that have additional print quality and digital image processing features, those features shall be sot to match their normal default condition, and included in the result reporting. Disabling manufacturer default installed features, routines or applications, is not allowed. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: automatic cleaning or calibration cycles, and energy save settings. If the system has automatic media detect(automatic paper type selection), it can be disabled,
If the copying device is setup with internal or external options such as memory, sorter, or finisher as default, then these options should be noted on the full detailed report format in the configuration options as shown in Annex B, for example ‘Finisher as default” or 160GB HDD installed”.
4.4 Paper
The output paper used in this test shall be within the range of, andlor not violate, specific written attnbute guidelines and recommendations provided by the copying device manufacturer, which may include but are not be limited to: size, weight, composition, paper manufacturer(s), paper type, part number and other physical characteristics. Care must be taken to use a paper that conforms to the copying device manufacturers’ paper specifications for the default copying device settings. The paper used for the performance test (5.4J shall be cut-sheet. M and/or 8.5”xl V size. The paper used In the test shall be recorded in the Full Detailed Test Report.
You should use the same paper size for each machine when you want to compare the productivity results of one machine with other machines. If the copying device is used in “thick paper mod& for copying, then this optional mode should be noted on the full detailed report format in corresponding cokirnn in Annex B.
4.5 Maintenance
Copying device maintenance shall be performed throughout testing per the manufacturer’s recommendations
on an as needed basis. (For example, cleaning routines or consumables replacement).
4.6 Preparation of test targets (test charts)
The copying test file is outlined in Annex C (normative).
This test Vile is from ISO/1EC 24735. The test file consists of 4 single-sided pages. When using the test file for the copying productivity test, create the test targets by printing the most recent electronic test file. If the intended machine does not have a pnnter function, then record the name of the printer which Is used to print out the actual test targets.