ISO IEC 29199-4:2010 pdf – lnformation technology —JPEG XRimage coding system – Part 4: Conformance testing.
reference output
output of the reference softsiare decoder
reference software decoder
software decoder contained in ITU-T Ree. T.835 I ISOIEC 29199-5
4 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the abbreviations given in ITIJ-T Rec. T.832 I 15011±’ 29199-2 apply.
S Con#entlons
For the purposes of this document the consentions gisen in lTUT Rec. T.832 ISO/IEC 29199-2 apply.
6 Conformance testing specification
6.1 General
The following subclauses specify normative tests designed to verify whether codestreams. files, encoders, and decoders meet the normative requirements specified in ITU-T Ret. T.832 IISOJEC 29199-2. as follows:
– A codestream (or lilt) can he claimed to coniunn to ITU-T Ret T.832 I ISO/IEC 29199-2 if it meets the normative requirements for such codestreams (or tile) specified in ITI’-T Ret. T.R32 I 1501Ff 29199-2.
– An encoder can be claimed to have codcsticam (or file fornian conformance to FTU-T Ret. T.832 I 1501Ff 29199-2 if the cudestreants We files) that it generates are conforming codestreams (or files).
– A decoder can be claimed to conform to a specilied subset of ITL’-T Rec. T.832 I 1501Ff 29 199-2 capabilities (such as a combination of “protile” and “lever capabilities) if it can properly decode all codes1reams (or files) obeying the constraints specified in ITU-T Rec. T.832 I ISO/IEC 29199-2 for the specified subset of capabilities.
The tests specified in this part of 1501Ff 29199 proside methods for (non-exhaustive) testing of whether encoders and decoders meet these requirements.
Characteristics of eodestreams. tiles, and decoders are specified in LTU-T Ret T.832 I ISO’IF.C 29199.2. The characteristics of a codestream (or file) indicate the subset of that standard that is exploited within the codestream (or tile). Examples are the selected values of the image size and number of associated color components. Decoder characteristics specify the propenies and capabilities of the applied decoding process. The capabilities of a decoder specify which codestreams (or files) the decoder can decode by specifying the subset of ITIJ-T Rev Ti(32 I lSOIEC 29199-2 syntax features and values that may be exploited in the codestreanis (or files) that it will decode. A codestream (or Ilk) can be decoded by a conforming decoder if it is a conforming codestream (or Ille) and the characteristics of the codestrcam (or file) are ssithin the subset of the standard that is specified by the decoder capabilities.
Procedures are specified in this part of ISO/IEC 29199 for testing the conformance of codestreanis (or files) and decoders to the requirements specified in ITIJ-T Rec. TK32 I ISO/lEt 29199-2. Given the set of characteristics clainsed. the requirements that shall he met are fully determined by ITU-T Rec. T.832 I 1501Ff 29199-2. This part of 15011Ff 29199 summarizes these requirements, cross relerences them to codestream (or File) characteristics, and spec ilies how conformance to the requirements can be tested. Particular tests to verify codeso’e-am and decoder conformance are specified.
A set of data for use in such tests is provided as an electronic attachment to this part of ISOIEC 29199 and is considered an integral part thereof. When a decoder under test does not satisfy the requirements of the specified tests when operating on the pros ided data set, the decoder is indicated nest to conform to ITU•T Rec. T.832 IISOIEC 29199.2.
The specified testing of codestreants (or files) produced by encoders employs the reference software decoder specified in ITtJ-T Ret. T.835 I ISO’IEC 29199-5 (with source code available in electronic format). When a codestream (or file) cannot he decoded by the reference software decoder without generating non-conformance warning messages.. the codestream (or file) is indicated not to conform to ITL3-T Rec. TK32 I ISO/EEC 29199-2. When an encoder produces any such codestreams (or files) that cannot be decoded without warnings by the reference software decoder, the encoder isindicated not to conform to ITU-T Rec.T.832|ISO/IEC29199-2.