ISO IEC 29341-12:2010 pdf – Information technology – UPnP Device Architecture – Part 12-10: Remote User Interface Device Control Protocol-Remote User lnterface Client Service.
3.2. Remote UI Scenarios for the Basic DCP
3.2.1. Connect, Disconnect and GetCurrentConnections
The most basic scenario enabled by UPnP Remote UI, is connecting a Remote UI Client to a UI served by a Remote UI Server. sad subsequently disconnecting this Remote UI Client from that Ll.
To establish a connection between a Remote UI Client and a UI. two pieces of information need to be passed when calling chat Client’s Co.necfl) action: a CinnistIem.sLduii11) and the CR1 of the UI to connect to. The URI can bc cetnebed using the GetCumpatibleUlso action onti Remote UI Server. The value of Connection.cLpda?eID mutt be equal to the eunent value of ConnecttonsLipdatelD on the Remote UI Client, and is therefore best retrieved by calling (‘.etCurrentConnrctlons( I on the Remote UI Client shortly before trying to establish the connection. Upon calling Coancct() on a Remote UI Client, the Remote UI Client will use an out- of-band mechanism (as provided by the remote UI protocol identified by the specified IJRI I to connect to the UI.
A connection between a Remote UI Client and a UI can be terminated by calling that (.‘lient’s Disconnect() action. Again, two pieces of infonnalion need to be passed: a Ctmneerum.s Update!!) value equal to the current value of Cornwction.sL)pdaID on the Client and the U RI of cIsc connected UI [loth can be retrieved by calling GetCiirre,tConacetions() on the Remote LII Client.
3.2.2. Add, Get and Remove UI Listings
Users of Remote UI Client devices possessing interactive user interfaces should be given a means to select among listings of Uls that are compatible with and jvibhle to the client device. One way of doing this is to hae a Remote UI Client store a UPnP-acccssiblc list of VIa with which it is compatible, This UI listing can be displayed on the Remote UI Client with a local shell application or by remoling the UI of an external shell application directly to the Client..
Uls can be added to and removed from this list on a Remote UI Client using the Client’s AddIIIisting() and Remote lIkilagI) actions. GcIt’lhisting() returns the current list ofUls,
3.2.3. DIsplay Message
jo display a message on a Remote UI Client without setting up a connection, a Client’s IJisplay Mcssagc4l action can be used. This action is meant to be used principally for notifications. Uscr interaction wuh a Li over a longer pcriod of lime is belier handled by connecting to that UI using the Client’s (‘onnect() action,
3.2.4. Process Input
User input can be send to a Remote UI Clicnt using lhc Client’s Procrsslnpiit() action. The Remote UI Client device treats input received through its Processlnput() action as though it was input locally.
3.3. Remote UI Scenarios for the Advanced DCP
3.3.1. MIrror
A user may desire to make a UI session currently running on one Remole UI (‘lieni device availtibk on another
Remote UI Client, for example to share the experience. This process is rclcrred to as mirrormg the original UI on
another Remote Ill C’lieni device.
To mirror a UI that is currently connected to Remote UI Client device A on Remote UI Client device 8. a Remote UI Client control point must first fetch the information associated with the UI targeted for nurriwing by calling the GetCurrrntC.nnrctioms() action on Remote UI Client A. The Remote UI Client control point then calls Con.ectf) on Remote UI Client Busing the LRI information obtained from client device .4. If multiple connections to the ,tunc UI arc not supported or the specified UI on client .4 is not compatible with Remote UI Client 8, the Conncct() action on Remote UI Client B fails.