UL 172:2013 pdf download – Standard for Sustainability for Toys.
iii) Ingredients that are developmental toxicants, as listed by the State of California as
Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity. turther to
Proposition 65 iltie Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986f and its
Regulations http- www oehha.ca govprop65prop65 listNewlisl.html)
e) Toys need not undergo the analyses described in subsection d) it the products ingredient list confirms that the ingredients described in dl were not used in the toy
11.2 A product shall receive five points where, in addition to fulfilling the requirement for chemical safety and analysis described in 11 1 ). Ihe analysis of chemical hazard and analysis of the potential exposure to stich hazards, as described in Article 18 of the Directive and explained in Guidance Document on the Application of Directive 200948’EC on the Safety of Toys Technical Documentation, also entitled Toy Safety Directive 2009.48’EC – Technical documentation, is also extended to include chemical hazard and potential exposure analysis for ingredients that are sensitizers ICategory 1 I under GHS 3.4 (Skin or Respiratory Sensitization). Toys need not undergo the analyses described ii the products ingredient list confirms that sensitizers (as described above) were fbi used in the toy.
11.3 A product shall receive three points where all fragrances used conform to the Code of Practice for the International Fragrance Association (IFRA)
11.4 A product shall receive five points where it does not contain any agents added specifically to infer antibacterial or antimicrobial properties that are not authorized under the EU Biocide Product Directive 98:8EC. concerning the placing ot biocidal products on the market, or under the COM 12009:1 267 adopted by the European Commission, June 2009 (http:/ec.europa.eu.environnientbiocidesrevision.htm).
12 Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
12 1 A product shall receive five points if a health based assessment of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has been completed for the product. Use the guideline 01 ASTM 05116 for small chamber testing and the guideline of ASTM D6670 for large chamber testing for the testing protocol. The room size from AgB8. 30 m3. IAusschuss zur gesundheitlichen von Bauprodukten (AgBB)), Committee tor Health-Related Evaluation of Building Products, 2012 (htip:.Wwwumweltbundesami.de.produkte-e bauprodukteagbb.htm) and an air exchange rate of 0.45 ACH (EPA exposure handbookl shall be used when modeling room concentration for the VOCs.
15 Plastic and Rubber Materials
151 (Prerequisite for ptastic components) Plastic and rubber-based components comprising 1 percent or more of the total weight of the toy shall meet the following criteria:
al In addition to the restrictions listed in Section 11. Prohibited and Restricted Substances. plastics shall not contain more than 1000 mg.kg of any 01 the phthalates identified as DEHP.
b) toys intended for children less than 6 years of age shall demonstrate thai migrabe BPA exposure is not more than 0.35 ngBPA.’crn2hour. Test methods are EN 13130-1 arid CENTS
Toys and pans of toys which, due to their inaccessibility, size, mass. function, or other characteristics, cannot be sucked. mouthed or ingested are not subject to this requirement. For the purposes of this requirement, the fo’lowing toys are considered able to be sucked, mouthed or ingested: all toy parts intended to be mouthed or in contact with food or drink, and all accessible parts and components of toys intended for children less than 6 years of ago
Toys and pans of toys for which a tormulatioi review would confirm that no BPA was used in the manufacture of the toy. are also not subject to this requirement.
cf Toys intended for children less than 6 years of ager shall demonstrate that migration of nitrosaminos shall not exceed 0.05 rngkg nor shall nitrosaminetorming substances exceed 1.0 mg lçgb.