AS 3823.4.3:2014 – Performance of electrical appliances-—Air conditioners and heat pumps Part 4.3: Air-cooled air conditioners andair-to-air heat pumps—Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors-Annual performance factor.
cooling seasonal total load
total annual amount of heat that is removed from the indoor air when the equipment is operated for cooling in active nwde
cooling seasonal energy consumption
total annual amount of energy consumed by the equipment when It Is operated forcooling inactive mode
cooling seasonal performance factor
ratio of the total annual amount of heat that the equipment can remove from the indoor air when operated for cooling in active mode to the total annual amount of energy consumed by the equipment during the same period
heating seasonal total load
total annual amount o[heat, including make-up heat, which is added to the indoor air when the equipment is operated for heating in active mode
heating seasonal energy consumption
total annual amount of energy consumed by the equipment. including make-up heat, when it is operated for heating in active mode
annual performance factor
ratio of the total annual amount of heat that the equipment can remove from and add to the indoor air when operated for cooling and heating, respectively. inactive mode to the total annual amount of energy consumed by the equipment during the same period
total annual performance factor
ratio of the total annual amount of heat that the equipment can remove from and add to the indoor air to the total annual amount of energy consumed by the equipment, including the active, inactive and disconnected modes
active mode
mode corresponding to the hours with cooling and heating demand of the building and whereby the cooling or heating function of the unit is switched on
inactive mode
mode corresponding to the hours when the unit Is not operating to meet cooling or heating demand
Note I to entry: This mode may include the operation ola crankcase heater.
disconnected mode
mode corresponding to the hours when the unit is electrically disconnected from the main power supply
Note 110 entry: Power consumption Is zero,
A.1 General
This annex applies only to the reverse cycle units.
A.2 Measurement of the electric power consumption during the inactive mode
The unit shall be electrically connected to the main power source after shut-down for 6 h. Indoor and outdoor temperature of 20 °C condition shall be reached. The power consumption shall be measured for one hour after the temperature conditions are stabilized. The same test is repeated with the temperature condition of S °C, 10 C and then 15°C with the stabilization period of 2 h between each test. As a reference case, each power consumption value shall be weighted by weighting factors in TahleAl and then integrated to obtain a weighted average inactive power consumption, Pia. The calculation of inactive power may also be undertaken for other climate conditions and operating schedules.
NOTE If the results of the tests at 20°C and 5°C are within S % or I W, then the tests at 15°C and 10°C are not mandatory, The average value of these results is used for the four considered temperature conditions.
A.3 Calculation of total annual performance factor (TAPF)
Total annual performance factor (TAPF),FTAp shall be calculated by Formula(A.2).
Calculation of Lcsr and Ccsg is according to lS0 16358-1, and calculation of Lusr and CHsg is accordingto ISO 16358-2.
Inactive energy consumption (1IAEC),C1AE, shall be calculated by Formula(A.1).
The default mode hours for the calculation of reference total annual performance factor are shownin Table A.2.The calculation of total annual performance factor may also be undertaken for otherdistributions of mode hours.