AS ISO ASTM 52901:2021 – Additive manufacturing – General principles— Requirements for purchased AM parts
AS ISO ASTM 52901:2021 – Additive manufacturing – General principles— Requirements for purchased AM parts.
I) part packaging requirements for delivery to customer;
m) customer shipping address;
The specific values of the elements are subject to agreement between the customer and the part provider.
4.3 Definition of the part to be manufactured
4.3.1 General
The part definition shall Include the Following elements:
— part geometry;
— tolerances;
— surface texture;
— build orientation, If necessary to meet the customer requirements;
— feedstock (or the part to be manufactured, if necessary to meet the customer requirements:
— repair methods (taking into account the testing categories defined in Iso 17296-3);
— acceptable Imperfections or deviations;
— process control information.
NOTE Disclosure of propnetary information is subIect to agreement between the Customer and the
part provider.
4.3.2 Part geometry
The part definition shall include the following elements:
a) the engineering drawing reference (number, index and version), if applicable;
b) the digital file reference (name, format, version). if applicable;
c) the geometry description by
1) an engineering drawing that fully defines the part, or
a digital file containing the 3D model or the part geometry information; for electronic data exchanges, the customer and the part provider shall ensure that the systems used are compatible, and define
i) the method for supplying digital files, including level of confidentiality and methods for
data protection,
Ii) the format of the electronic data, and
iii) the procedures for creating the digital file (including source of the electronic data and conversion requirements necessary to produce the digital file).
The part geometry description documents may be supplied by the customer or by the part provider.
NOTE The STL file formal used by many additive manufacturing machines does not contain units of measurement as metadata. When only STL liles are provided by the customer, ordering information specifies the units of measurements of the part along with the digital file. More information about digital files can be Found in ISO/ASTM 52915.
4.4 Part characteristics, functionality and performance
4.4.1 General
The most important part characteristics from the customer view shall be identified, particularly those related to dimensional accuracy, defects, mechanical properties, residual stress, or chemical composition. Required part characteristics may be stated relative to a suitable reference, such as In relation to the mechanical properties of cast or wrought materials.
4.4.2 Part characteristics
Part characteristics, including those found in ISO 17296.3 or ASTM F 3122. shall meet the requirements of applicable standards or shall be agreed upon between the part provider and the customer. Since standards specific to additive manufacturing are still under development, relevant part characteristics that are not described in the current standards shall be agreed upon between the part provider and the customer. Part characteristic information shall be included in the quality record for the purchased AM part.
4.4.3 Functionality
The desired functionality of the part, as well as its performance requirements, shall be described from the customer view to communicate the purpose and Intended use of the part. This description shall include a listing of part functions and functional requirements, identification of the intended working environment and related environmental parameters, definition of specific performance requirements for each part function, and (If applicable) identification of the performance test methods to be used to evaluate the conformance of the part to the performance requirements. The high-level purpose for the part (e.g. prototype vs. pre-production sample vs. end-use part) may dictate different levels of detail needed to specify the functional and performance requirements of the part, and the level of detail shall be agreed upon between the part provider and the customer to ensure sufficient communication.
4.4.4 Inspection
Test methods and Inspection criteria to measure, evaluate, or visually Inspect part characteristics shall meet applicable standards and shall be agreed upon between the part provider and the customer. Requirements for specific inspection methods, such as computed tomography (CT) scanning, laser surface scanning, touch probe measurement, or surface profile measurement, and the corresponding acceptance criteria shall be identified. Any test methods that require building of a separate test artefact for quality control shall define the size, number, orientation, and location(s) of the test artefact within the part build process.