AS NZS 3750.7:2009 – Paints for steel structures Part 7: Aluminium paint.
2.5.1 (eneral
When applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended methods of application. the applied film shall hc frcc from defects and show good leafing and brightness, when tested by the appropriate method (see Clauses 2.5.2 to 2.5.4).
2.5.2 Brushing
When applied to a sertical test panel (see Clause 2.3) in accordance with AS/N/S 1580.205.1, the test paint shall exhibit satisfactory brushing propcrties and be free from sisible defects.
2.53 Rolling
When applied to a vertical test panel (see Clause 2.3) in accordance with AS/NZS 1580.205.3, the test paint shall exhibit satisfactory rolling properties and be free from visible defects.
2.5.4 Spraylug
When thinned iii accordance with the manufacturer’s insirucuons. and applied to a sertical test panel (sce Clause 2.3) in accordance with AS/N/.S 1580,205.2. the test paint shall exhibit good spraying properties.
2.6.1 Surface-dry time
When the test paint has beeii applied to a steel test panel at the appropriate spreading rate and is tested in accordance with AS/N/S 1580.401.1. it shall have a surface-dry time not exceeding 6 h.
2.6.2 Ilard-drs time
When the test paint has been applied to a steel test panel at the appropriate spreading rate and is tested in accordance with AS 1580.401.5. it shall havc a hard-dry timc not exceeding 16 h.
2.63 Recoating properties
When a single-coated steel test panel is recoated after 24 h drying, and is examined in accordance with AS/N/S 1580.404.1. there shall he no defects in the underlying lest film during or after overcoaling. When examined, after drying for 24 h. the film shall be of uniform appearance and colour and shall be free from dcfccts.
2.6.4 Resistance to weathering
When tcst panels coated in accordance with Appendix F arc continuously exposed for 48 months, at a 450 angle on an exposure rack complying with ASINZS 1580.457.1. at a test site with climatic conditions that comply with AS/N/S 2312 for a Category C: Medium environment, the paint system shall meet the acceptance rating requirements of Table 2.
2.6.5 Resistance to waler
When a panel coated as described in Appendix E is tested in accordance with AS/N/S 1580,455.1 using an immersion time of 24 h. the test panel shall exhibit no sign ol’ blistering, wrinkling or other defects. The test panel shall produce a scratch resistance of not less than 6008 as determined using AS/N/S 1580.403,1 and an approximate colour match hetween the immersed and Llnimmcrsed areas of the panel.
The product shall be packaged in sound. clean and dry containers constructed of a material that is inert to the contents and suflicientl robust to withstand normal conditions of handling and storage without rupture or leakage. The container shall be capable of being readily resealed so as to he gastight.
Containers shall comply with statutory requirements rcleant to the transport and storage of tiammable liquids as specified in the current edition of thc Australian (‘ode for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (ADG Code).
I AS 2g54 and AS 2905 refer to suitable containers for these pwducts.
2 In New Zealand the ADG Code does noi .ippl. In New Zealund. refer in NLS 433.
The following information shall he legibly and durably marked on each container or on a label fixed securely to each container:
(a) The name or registered mark of the manufacturer.
(b) The words ‘Aluminium paint’ or other wording to this effect.
(c) The contents of the container by solume. in litres.
(d) ‘Ihe production or batch number that can be traced to the date of manufacture.
(C) Any information required by statutory regulations.
(F) Guidance on the use of the paint.
(g) A warning that pressure build-up is possible with this paint and that care is required when opening the can.
NOTE: Manufacturers making a statement of compliance with ibis Joint AusiraIianNew Zealand
Standard on a product, packaging, or promotional material related to that product arc ads’ised to ensure that such compliance is capable of being verified.