AS NZS 4024.2804:2021 – Safety of machinery Part 2804: Safety-related sensors used for the protection of persons (IECTS 62998-1:2019,MOD).
d•mand rat.
number of events that occur in a defined time which cause the SRSISRSS to perform its safety related function
Not. I to entry (.ow demand mode a a mode of operation in which (tie salety related fe,nction of an SRSiSRSS is only performed on demand and wtiqre th, demand rat. is no greater than on. p.r year.
Not. 210 entry: High demand mode is a mode of operation in which the safety related function of an SRS/SRSS is only pei-formed on demand and where (he demand rate is greater than one per year. As an orientation, high demand rates are given in Table 6.1 (slated values are in accordance with ISO 13849 (all parts)).
Note 3 to entry: Continuous mode Is a mode of operation wi which the safety related function of an SRSISRSS Is performed perpetually (continuousky(. Finaly, the limiting factor for the applicable demand rate i continuous mode is the response time of the SRSISRSS.
Note 4 to entry. The demand rate for the safety related luncllons of the SRS1SRSS can be different than the demand rate for the safety function performed in a SCS
sat. stat.
state of the EUC (equipment under control) when safety is achieved
c*.AMPLE I The safe state might be initiated by the dec4saon intormation.
EXAMPLE 2 Th, safe state might be initiated by the confidence information.
Note I to entry’ The safe state might be related to different output signals depending on the Intended use and performed SRSISRSS function,
[SOURCE: IEC 61 508-4:2010. 3.1.13, modified he examples has been added, and the note to entry has been replaced by a new note.J
normal operating condition
operating condition that represents as closely as possible the range of normal use that can reasonably be expected
ISOURCE: IEC 62368-1:2018. 33.7.4. modified — The words “mode of operation” have been replaced by operating condition” in the definition, and the notes to entry have been removed.J
normal op.ratlort
state of a SRSISRSS where ii operates as specified and where no faults are detected
intended use
use in accordance with information provided with a product or system, or. in the absence of such information, by generally understood patterns of usage
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014, 3.6J
limit of use
definition of limits on achieved detection capability, sensing zone, environmental, mounting. safety related information at the output unit and SRSISRSS performance class provided by the manufacturer of art SRS1SRSS or integrator of SRS into an SRSS
Note I to entry. The limits of use are essential to validate if the SRSISRSS is appropriate to, the application respective the intended use.
3.5 Fusion
processing of SRS measurements to achieve a common time base and a common spatial reference
different means of performing a required function
Note 110 entry: Orversaty may be achieved by different physical methods or different design approachet
(SOURCE: IEC 61508-4:2010. 3.3.7]
act or process of combining or associating data or information regarding one or more entities considered in an explicit oi implicit knowledge framework to improve ones capability (Or provide a new capability) for detection, identification, or characterization of that entity
provision of more than one means for performing a function
Not. I to entry Th. additional means of pirforming th, function can b. Int.ntionally diff*reni (div.ras) to r.duc. the potential for common mode failures 1192-03-19).
(SOURCE: IEC 60050.192:2015, 192-10-02. modified — The specific use of a systen given after the term has been removed]
3.6 Safety related Information
analog signal
signal which directly represents the respective variable quantity
Note I to entry. An analog signal may be a continuous-value or a discrete-value signal as well as a continuous- time at a discrete-time signal. Esamples may be the pressure in a pneumatic final controlling element with continuous-vaiu. and continious-hm. information p,ram,t.r (valu. of th. prassure) a. as a positionmodulaled puise signal as an output signal of a computer based controller.
Note 210 entry: This eniry was numbered 351-21-53 in IEC 6U05O-351:2O06
(SOURCE: IEC 60050-351:2013. 351-41-24. modified — The words each information parameter or have been removed from the definition.]
coverage Interval
lnterva containing the set of true quantity values of a SRSISRSS measurement Information with a stated probability, based on the Information available
Note 1 to entry: A coverage interval does not need to be centered on the chosen measured quantify value (see ISOIEC Guide 98-3:2005/Supplement 1)
(SOURCE: ISOIIEC Guide 99:2007. 2.36, modified — The word measurand has been replaced by SRS1SRSS measurement information, and Note 2 and Note 3 to entry have been removed,].