AS NZS 8008:2022 – Timber -Finger-jointed structural timber —Performance requirements
AS NZS 8008:2022 – Timber -Finger-jointed structural timber —Performance requirements.
Section 3 General requirements
3.1 Structural properties of finished finger-jointed timber
3.1.1 General
Finger-jointed timber shall have structural properties corresponding to a stress grade listed in AS 1720.1 or NZS 3603 or a suite of characteristic structural properties defined by the manufacturer.
The structural properties of finger-jointed timber shall be determined by qualification in accordance with Section 4 and verified for each production batch in accordance with Section 5.
NOTE I Stress grades can Include MGP-grades, SG grades, F-grades, GL grades, strength groups or other grading systems provided in AS 1720.2 and NZS 3603. Structural properties may also be declared on labelling, by listing In product brochures/technical Information, websites or in design tables or software.
NOTE 2 The effect of preservative, fire-retardant or other treatments on the structural properties of timber should be accounted for within the grading and verification processes.
31.2 Grading and verification methods
All timber grading and verification methods shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) AS 2082, AS 2858 or NZS 3631 (as applicable) in the case of visually graded structural timber;
(b) AS/NZS 1748.1 in the case of machine-graded structural timber;
(c) AS/NZS 1328.1 in the case of glued laminated timber;
(d) AS/NZS 4357.0 in the case of laminated veneer lumber.
3.2 Durability
3.2.1 General
Finger-jointed timber shall maintain structural strength and stiffness performance for the design working life of the structure.
NOTE I Expert advice should be sought where linger-jointed structural timber is to be used in applications other than building Interiors.
NOTE 2 For residential buildings, the design working life is normally 50 years.
322 Adhesive bond performance
All finger-jointed structural timber for general use shall be in accordance with Service Class 3 requirements of AS/NZS 4364.
All finger-jointed structural timber for vertical stud use only within a building shall be in accordance with Service Class 2 requIrements of AS/NZS 4364.
3.2.3 Finger-joint glue bond integrity
When determined in accordance with either Appendix D or Appendix E, the glue bond quality shall exhibit characteristics In accordance with the claimed Service Class (see Clause 3.2.2).
Where preservative or flame-retardant post-production treatments are used, it shall he demonstrated that the adhesive and the post-production treatment are compatible (see Clause 3.1.1).
3.3 Utility
Finger-jointed structural timber produced to a declared stress grade shall meet utility requirements that correspond to the relevant stress grade or claimed performance.
NOTE Utility requirements can be found in AS/NZS 1748.1 for machine stress graded timber, AS 2858 or NZS 3631 for visually graded softwood timber, AS/NZS 1328.1 for glued laminated timber. AS/NZS 4357.0 for laminated veneer number, or in other applicable standards for the product type.
3.4 Moisture content
Finger-jointed structural timber produced to a declared stress grade shall meet the moisture content requirements that correspond to the relevant stress grade or claimed performance.
NOTE Moisture content requirements can be found In AS/NZS 1748.1 for machine stress graded timber, AS 2858 or NZS 3631 for visually graded softwood timber, AS/NZS 1328 for glued laminated timber, AS/NZS 4357.0 for laminated veneer number, or in other applicable standards for the product type.
3.5 Product identification and labelling requirements
Finger-jointed timber that conforms to this document shall be clearly and indelibly marked to identify the following:
(a) The product stress grade, or unique product Identifier that, In conjunction with published literature, identifies the structural performance.
(b) The entity responsible for claiming Its Service Class and stress grade (busine.s name or tradename).
c) Reference to this document, Ic. AS/NZS 8008.
(d) Where the stress grade has seasoned and unseasoned options and, if graded as seasoned, the Inclusion of one of the following:
(I) The word ‘SEASONF.IY or i)RY, or an abbreviation of seasoned (e.g. SEAS or S’).
(ii) If kiln dried, an abbreviation of 1(0,. or “DG.
(e) Adhesive Service Class.
(1) A description of any limitations to use (e.g. FASCIA AND VERTICAL WALL STuD USE ONLY” for Service Class 2 adhesIves).
NOTE 1 Limitations to use may also include limitations to loading directions, for example “NOT FOR USE IN TENSIOW If the product has not been characterized for tension strength In accordance with Clause 4.1.