ASME B107.12-2004 pdf – Nutdrivers
ASME B107.12-2004 pdf – Nutdrivers.
Many of thr tests herein are inherently haiardous adequate safeguards for personnel and property shall he empbiyd in conducting thr tests.
5.1 Torsional Moment Test
Test shall be conducted in a manner similar to that shown in Fig.. 3 Test niandrels skill conform to the dimensions in Table 5 or 7%I and shall be hardirned to not less than 55 HRC. The socket opening, shall be gaged prior to testing The tests shall be conducted after prtheating the entire tool to a uniform temperatw of I 25F (S7.7C), and the torque sprcitwd in the applicable table shall be applied within I mm after emovin1 the tool 1mm the heating medium. The socket of the tool shall be inserted over the mand ni to the depth specified The torque shall he applied and sustairwd Itw a minimum of 10 sec The handle may be gripped in the area beyond the Insertion distance of the socket shaft by suitable means. It shall be pernussihic to support the handle in orkr to maintatn the tool in a suitable po%ition for testing provided the supporting means does not exert pressure end-wise during testing. Any cracking. failure of the socket opening to conform to the gaging requirement, or failure to sustain the proof torque for the prescribed timr shall constitutr failure.
When tested to the mmimum assembly torque value specified, the asmbly shall not show a permanent slippage between the shaft and handle.
5.2 BendIng Moment Test
Test shall be conducted in a manner iamab.r to that shown in Fig 6. Tcst mandrels shall conform to the dimtmlLlns in Table 6 or 64 and shall be hjrdene.j to not less than 55 JIKU. A force of such magnitude to create the bending moment specified in the applicable table shall be applied at or near the middle of the natural grip of the handle or a minimum of 10 sec. The force
to act prrprndicuLir to the axis of the too tool shall not crack, break, or show any signs of visible permanent set or looseness in the handle. 11w test shall be conducted at room temperature.
5.3 Solvint Tests
Nutdhvrr shall hr capable of merting the following test requirements. Handles are to be fully immersed in motor vehicle brake fluid (SAF. J 1703). gasoline, ethylene glycol, and ethyl akohol for 15mm at mom temperature. removed, wiped off, and allowed to stand for 24 hr. A rww assembly shaH be used for each of the test liquids There shall be no permanent swelling. surface attack (except for manufacturer’s identification or paint), or degradation of the applicable pcrkinnanr requirenwnt ctintaaned heitin. The handle hardness after testing shall not be greater than Shore).
5.4 AItenatIve Coating Test
Thl% tet comast% of an adtwsitn. abrason, and cLwrosion test specified in paras. 5.4.2, 543, and 5.4.4.
5.4.1 Test Preparation. The quantity and condition of the nutdrivrn u%rd for the following tr%ting shall he per the manufacturer’s standard practice or as mutually agreed to by the. I the nuidriver does not have sufficient surface area to conduct the tests, a 4 X 6 in. panel(s) per AS1N 13 537/ ASThI D %$ Method A shall be used.
5.4.2 Adhesion Test. The nattd surLaccs shall pass the file or grind-saw test of ASTM 13 571,
5.4.3 AbrasIon Test. The coated surfaces shall have no material rspoicd aItrr bring suhectrd to 1(a) I. of falling sand per ASTM D Method A.