ASME B16.48-2005 pdf – Line Blanks.
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Flgure-8 Bbnk. A figure-S blank (also called a spectacle blankf is a pressure-retaining plate with one solid end and one open end connected with a web or tie bar (see Fig. I).
1.2.2 Paddle Blank. A paddle bLank is similar to the solid end of a figure-K blank. It has a plain radial handle. It is generally used in cnnunction with a paddle spacer in large sizes.
1.2.3 Paddle Spacer. A paddle spacer is similar to the open end of a figure-S blank, It has a plain radial handle, It is generally used in conjunction with a paddle blank.
1.3 References
Codes, standards, and specffications, containing pmvisions to the extent referenced herein, constitute requirements of this Standard. These reference documents are listed in Nonmandatory Appendix It.
1.4 QualIty Systems
Nonmandatory requirements relating to the product manufacturer’s Quality System Program are described in Nonmandatory Appendix C.
13 Relevant Units
this Standard stales values in both Metric and US. Customary units. These systems of units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the US. Customary units are shown in parenthesis or separate tables. Refer to Nonmandatory Appendix A. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, it is required that each system of units be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems constitutes nonconformance with the Standard. Nonniandatory Appendix A provides dimensions in US. Customary units.
1.6 Convention
For the purpose of determining conformance with this Standard, the convention fur fixing significant digits
3.3.2 Female Ring-Joint Blanks. Female ring-joint grooves shall be shaped with the groove side wall surface finish not exceeding I .ti p.m (63 p.m.) Ra roughness The finish of the gasket contact laces shall he judged by visual comparison with Ra standards (see ASME B46.l) and not by instruments having stylus tracers and electronic amplification.
33.3 Male Ring-Joint Blanks. The gasket shape (ring) for male ring-joint blanks shall not exceed 1.6 p.m (63 p.m.) Ra roughness. The Finish of the gasket contact laces shall be judged by visual comparison with Ks standards (see ASME 1346.1) and not by instruments having stylus tracers and electronic amplification.
4.1 General
Dimensions shall be in accordance with Tables I through IS (Tables A-I through A-iS of Nonmandatory Appendix A).
4.2 Tolerances
4.2.1 Facing Tolerances. Tolerances for facings shall be in accordance with ASME 816.5.
4.2.2 Thickness Tolerances. Thickness tolerances are
NIS 18 and smaller —em + 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)
NIS 21) and brger —zero + 4.8 mm (0.19 in.)
4.3 Openings
(a) For NPS ),4, NI’S 4, and NI’S I blanks in all raised face classes, the inside diameter is equal to standard weight wekling neck flange bore.
(b) For NI’S I’4 and larger blanks in Classes 150 and 300 raised face, the inside diameter is equal to the pipe outside diameter.
(c) For NI’S 1’4 and larger blanks in Classes 600 and 900 raised face, the inside diameter is equal to Schedule 106 welding neck tiange bore.
(d) For Class 1500 raised face blanks, the inside diam• eter is equal to ScheduLe 40 welding neck flange bore.
(e) For Class 2500 raised lace blanks, the inside diameter is equal to Schedule 40 through NI’S 6, Schedule 60 for NE’S S and NI’S 10, and Schedule 80 for NI’S 12.
(f) For all ring-joint blanks, the inside diameter is equal to the pipe outside diameter.
(g) Dimensions are based upon concentric installation of spiral wound gaskets wiih inner rings as required by ASME 1316.21) and conform to the maximum permitted bore of ASME B16.5 welding neck flanges described in Table 16 of ASME 1316.20.