(k) requisite facilities for maintaining constancy of load during test;
(I) number of identical tests to be conducted to assure statistically significant accuracy;
(m) duration of the test runs;
(n) acceptance of test run when disruptions occur;
(o) test acceptance criteria for test completion;
(p) confidentiality of test results.
3.4.1 Test Goals. This Code recognizes that different types of conditions might require different types of test goals. The following illustrates three different test goals that are acceptable by this Code.
(a) The test can be run at a specified corrected net power that is near the design value of interest. Examples of this test would be an acceptance test of a fuel cell power system where electric efficiency is guaranteed at a specific load, or a partial load, on a specific fuel composition, but the available pipeline composition differs from the design value.
(b) The test can be run at a specified net power regardless of ambient or other external conditions. An example of this test goal is an acceptance test on a fuel cell power system with a rated power and electrical efficiency guarantee over a range of ambient temperatures.
(c) The test can be run at a specified maximum power overload state point. The test shall include run times to demonstrate the ability to operate for the stated limited time periods, and the test results must be reported with operational time limitations. An example would be a short term (e.g., less than a few hours) overload power excursion that would be useful for a peak power demand. This overload power operation might legitimately be accomplished with an incomplete thermal transient in a subsystem.
While only steady-state operation is treated in the Code, it should be recognized that there might be cases when operation and subsequent performance under non-steady-state conditions is important. Examples could include start up and shut down transients, load following operation, and idle standby. In general, system performance, especially average efficiency, will be different under transient conditions as compared to corresponding steady-state conditions. As an aid to achieving a more meaningful characterization of fuel cell performance, including non-steady-state operation, it is recommended that the total energy input into the system be compared to the net useful energy output produced during the time frame of interest using one or more representative load cycle(s).
3.5.1 Pretest Records. Nominal performance data and operating limitations supplied by the manufacturer of the fuel cell system shall be available on the test site. This shall include the expected output parameter values, and the limitations on the operating range. General physical conditions of the fuel cell system prior to the test shall be documented with photos and data recording. Information on subsystems that may be temporarily nonfunctional shall be recorded, including the reason for the non- functionality and the expected effect on the test results. The fuel cell power system shall be fully characterized by identification of the design and construction features that can significantly affect the results. The system shall be identified by the manufacturer’s serial number of the unit and of the major components. When tested in the field, the date of delivery and other pertinent historical information shall be recorded.
3.5.2 Preliminary Operation and Adjustment. Before starting the test, the fuel cell system should be operated for a sufficient length of time to demonstrate steady-state operation, and to make any necessary adjustments to the electrical and thermal loads for assuring conformity with the Code.
3.5.3 Site Applicability of Instrument Calibration. Current, applicable calibration certificates of the critical system instrumentation shall be available prior to the start of the test.