BS ISO IEC 25045:2010 pdf – systems and software engineering – Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation(SQuaRE) – Evaluation module for recoverability.
A.1 Executive Summary
Describe an overview o(the software systems being tested. end a summery of the resuft and key ftndngs. NOTE The scope of each clause is described in itthc. In an actu report they can be deleted.
This document contains the results and product recommendations from the recoverability testing of the open source Day Trader 20 application on a software system solution composing of HHHH vl.6 HTTP server. AAAA vi .6 application server. and DDOD 4.0 DBMS server.
This software system solution achieves a resiliency score of 0.81 (out of 1.00) and a autonomic recovery index score of 0.63 (out of I .00) This is an improvement over the previous recoverability test score of 0.75 and 0.55 respectively for Day Trader 1.0 application on HHHH vl.5 HTTP server, WA vi.6 application server, and DDDD v5.0 DBMS server.
The iliprovement in the resiliency score is due to the improvement in the application to distribute work to other nodes in the cluster when one of its nodes goes down The improvement in the autonomic recovery index score is due to the automatic failover of the failed node to the rest of the cluster with no operator intervention.
More details can be found In the following clauses In the report.
A2 Score Card
4 score card Nstng the score of every distwbence end the overall score for iesdiency and aulonomc recovery Index
This scorecard shows the contribution that each fault macSe to the Resiliency and Autonomic Recovery Index scores of the system. The Resiliency score is a value from 0 to I mat reflects the ability of the system to service requests while the disturbance is applied. The Autonomic Recovery Index contribution is the value from 0 to 4 that describes the level of autonomic matunty exhibited by the system while the disturbance Is applied.
NOTE The blowing numbers are rictitious
A.5.1.4 AdditIonal softwar. required
A list of all add lionel software components or standani System schwa,. mo&les ,Wslch are needed to run shatt be descrf bed in sutricienl details to ailow replication of The software C flQLWattOfl. These include but not limited to the
• vendor name, product name and vei’-sion, and availability date;
• tuning parameters arid options changed from the defaults:
• compilation and linkage options and run.tlme optimization used to create/install the software component:
• number of instances on each system.
For the baseline run, (hits shaft include The test driver Uiat simulates The multiple users arid drives the test scripts For the test rwi, this shall include the fault wiijection software.
Performance workload tester
Number 01 Instance: 2 (1 instance per test driver server hardware)
Software Vendor: IBM Corporabon
Product Name: Rational Performance Tester 8.1
Availability Date: Apnl.2009
Fault load driver kit:
Number of Instance: 2 (1 instance per fault load server hardware)
Software Vendor: Localy developed by department XXXX
Product Name: Resiliency Tester 1.0
Availability Date: ApnI.2009
k51.5 The stored data
All data, which are needed by the programs for their correct working or wINch have any influence on the performance of the SUT so long as they are not contained in the descnpltons of li. task type input. shaft be presented in therr entirely on digltai storage medium. They shall be formatted neacfr for immeoate use and storage on the SUT without any further modification. Examples of such data can be:
• data files, required for a correct computation:
• output data files used by the programs, which are not empty when starling the test,
• the data of a data base system.
The database s generated by The Day Trader application for 500,000 accounts as part of its data generation procedure.
A.51.6 Additional information for proof
It is the responsibility of the tester to submit the results of the measurement to proof, Therefore the tester shall supply additional documents of his own choice in addition to the documents requested in this International Standard, which are suitable to repeat the measurement by an external person/group to attain the same results.