IEC TR 62678:2010 pdf – Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment activities and considerations related to accessibility and usability.
In Japan. “barrier free design” applies to public transportation infrastructure and buildings. The Ministry of Land. Infrastructure. Transport and Tourism (MIIT) promotes “barrier free” to communicate the concept that, regardless of disability, age, sex, and race, easy operation including life-style and environment are provided.
NOTE 8 Se. httpJ) saku,’bsrrierfreelindev html
NOTE 7 See NIp IIwww.mlii go jOQoseisaku)barriermoku_.html
NOTE 8 See NIp i)www.mlit.go jp&ishaikishaO5)0l0I071 I_html
Japan’s “Law for accessible transportation and facilities” (known as the ‘New Barrier-Free Law’) communicates barrier-free design. Japan’s MLIT promulgates this law as the position of the “General Principles of Universal Design Policy.”
NOTE 9 Se. http,llwww.mlitgojpkishafkishe05l0I!0I071 I104.pdf
Although the physical infrastructure, including buildings, remains out of the scope of this TR. mentioning this aspect assists in describing the overall trend of helping people Other data include the FY 2005 reports that the awareness of universal design was 64,3 % in Japan and the awareness of barrier-free was 93,8 %.
NOTE 10 Se. “The Jcneea People’s Awareness Survey for Promoting Ban er-free Sociely (infocmal translation o4 the survey narnel,” December 2005 the Ce8,net o.i Ice.
4.3 ApplIcation of the term: barrier-free design In China
In China. “barrier-free design” applies to public transportation infrastructure and buildings.
The term is promoted for the transportation and facility sector by the Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural development and the Ministry of Railways
The barrier-free design concept in China applies regardless of disability, age, sex and race. “Barrier- free design” is a concept which provides easy operation. This includes aspects of life-style and environment.
4.4 User n..ds and accessIbility in the U.S.
In the U.S., the “user needs” of individuals with disabilities are discussed within the context of information and communication technology (ICT) and the requirements to assist individuals with disabilities. Generally, “good usability” occurs when the user experiences improved usability.
Accessibility in the U.S., as codified m Federal regulations, addresses the features and functions that support the use of a device by as many people as possible. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides for an individual who is considered to have a “disability” ii that person has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. The Electronic Technology Accessibility Standards (Section 508) and the Closed Captioning of Video Programming. 47 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.). Section 79.1, and the Section 255, Manufacturers of Equipment, of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 set forth accessibility provisions. New, draft Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines, released for public comment in March 2010, are under consideration for Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d).
NOTE 1 S.c.
NOTE 2 S.. www
4.5 Universal design and design-for-all in Germany
In Germany, the terms unlversal design” and “design-for-all (DFA)” are used synonymously and interchangeably. These terms are used to convey a goal of reaching the widest possible range of users based on their sensory, physical and cognitive abilities.
In Germany. persons with disabilities are sometimes described as a heterogeneous group which, in some cases, need special services or products. Therefore, according to the European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation (ANEC). also known as The European consumer voice in standardisation.” the importance of supporting the interoperability between assistive and mainstream technologies remains.
For the purpose of this Technical Report. Germany’s observations include the point that impi-ovements in audio video usability will not only benefit individuals with disabilities, but will also assist the growing number of people who are aging. Germany’s elnclusion activities. following the policies of the EU Commission and the ratification of the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, add to a high awareness of this nation’s accessibility. In Germany, usability remains a competitive advantage and the implementation remains voluntary, whereas accessibility is typically mandated by Law.
According to the European Commission, in the Conirnission’s eAccessibility’ communiqué. DFA consists of three main strategies;
a) design foc most users without modifications:
b) design for easy adaption to different users (e.g., using adjustable interfaces), and
C) design with a view to connect seamlessly to assistive technology devices.
4.6 French applIcatIon of th. t•rms usabilIty and accesslblllty.