IEC TR 62685:2010 pdf – Industrial communication networks – Profiles – Assessment guideline for safety devices using IEC 61784-3 functional safety communication profiles(FSCPs)
IEC TR 62685:2010 pdf – Industrial communication networks – Profiles – Assessment guideline for safety devices using IEC 61784-3 functional safety communication profiles(FSCPs).
The test criteria are (amongst others):
• Operation of the equipment under test as intended in the technical specifications
• No destruction of components In the equipment under test (except EMC)
• No faulty or unexpected operation of the equipment under test (except EMC)
• No indications of overheating of any component
• No active part that intentionally carries dangerous voltages shall be touchable
• No damage to the housing
Uncertainties of measurement shall not exceed the following limits:
• for the measurement of reaction times: ti ms
• for temperature measurements: ±3 K
• for electrical measurements: ±1 %. as far as technically feasible and sensible
• for the measurement of relative humidity (RH): ±3 % RH
All measurements shall be carried out after stable temperature conditions have been reached This can be assumed when the temperature increase or decrease is less than 2 Kih.
7 Climatic tests
Climatic tests concern dry heat. cold, and cyclic damp heat withstand according to
IEC 61131-2.
Safety devices intended for safety Instrumented systems (process automation) are classified according to IEC 60721-3-3 and tested according to applicable parts of the IEC 60068-2 series.
Assessment: Inspections of information provided by the manufacturer and/or tests shall be carried out.
8 MechanIcal tests
All components of bus systems for the transmission of safety data shall have a sufficient mechanical strength against the expected stresses, for example vibration, shock, impact, and rigidity according to IEC 61131-2.
For components intended to be mounted on vibrating machinery, extended tests shall be applied according to the individual safety requirement specification or to an applicable product standard.
NOTE An example 04 loch appticabie product standards is EC 61496-I )eI.ctro-sensltle protective equipment). Safety devices intended for safety instrumented systems (process automation) are classified
according to lEG 60721-3-2 and shall be tested according to the IEC 60068-2 series. Assessment Mechanical tests shall be carried out according to the standards specified in this subclause. or more stringent standards specified by the manufacturer In accordance with the application scope. Performance criterion A applies.
9 MarkIngs and IdentIfIcatIon
The safety components shall be marked according to lEG 61131-2 andior relevant parts of the IEC 61010 series.
The minimum size of symbols, letters and figures shall be 2 mm. The inscriptions shall be durable.
Assessment: InspectIon/measurement of the inscriptions (completeness, correctness. unambiguity). rubbing each for 15 a with a water and a gasoline soaked cloth: afterwards, the inscriptions shall be clearly legible, labels shall not be detached.
10 User manual
The EUT shall come with a user manual that allows for proper installation, configuration, parameterization, programming, commissioning, troubleshooting, maintenance, and decommissioning. It shall consider and cover all the appropriate issues listed in:
• lC 61131-2, Clause 7 (general information to be provided by the manufacturer);
• IEC 61508-2:2010, Annex D (safety manual for compliant items);
• IEC 61508-3:2010, 7.42.12 and Annex D (safety manual for compliant items, additional requirements for software elements);
• IEC 61784-3-x, 9.7 (safety manual of a particular safety communication profile).
These documents require, as far as applicable, the following items:
a) Intended use
b) Name of the manufacturer (brand, picture mark)
c) Type designation or serial number
d) Nominal operating voltage(s) with indication of voltage type and frequency
e) Power/current consumption
f) SIL claim according IEC 61508. In case of factory automation additionally PLfCategory according to ISO 13849-1 (successor of EN 954-1 1281).
g) Statements on parameterization. configuration and programming as far as required
h) Advice on how to determine the safety function response times and/or maximum reaction time(s) as required for example by lEO 61764-3 profiles
I) Required short circuit and overvoltage protection means, as far as applicable
J) Operating temperature range
k) Ingress protection class (lPxy): If required, separate statements on the Individual components.