ISO 10018:2012 pdf download – Quality management-Guidelines on people involvement and competence
ISO 10018:2012 pdf download – Quality management-Guidelines on people involvement and competence.
— a timeirame for people involvement and competence acquisition;
— required resources.
There should be agreement between the leadership and people concerning the plans, which should be recorded, reviewed and updated at defined intervals. Such a plan is a strategic document based on the previously described analyses and should be adopted by the leadership of the organization. A plan should define activities, responsibilities and timeframes to accomplish the development objectives.
4.5.3 PlannIng of the involvement and competence of Individuals
Individual involvement and competence development plans should be established for each person. These plans should define activities, resources, responsibilities and timeframes to accomplish the development objectives, and they should be agreed between the people, their managers and leaders. These plans should also be recorded, reviewed and updated at defined intervals.
4.6 Implementation
4.6.1 General
The organization should carry out the planned activities developed in 4.5 for people involvement and competence acquisition. The outcomes of those planned activities should be recorded and reviewed.
4.6.2 Implementation of people involvement plans
Leadership actions to enhance people involvement Should address factors such as communication, teamwork, responsibility, innovation and recognition, These are described more fully in Annex A.
Involvement requires an environment In which people participate in planning and may Influence decisions and actions which affect their jobs. The environment should enable the engagement of people to achieve the organizational goals.
The people involvement process includes a number of factors, as described below.
— Communication: integrates the factors and should be addressed to promote shared understanding and involvement Managers should communicate key information and expectations to people and listen to their views about the current direction on a continual basis (see Clause A.4).
— Recruitment: the process of sourcing, screening and selecting people for a position in an organization. Managers can undertake some part of the recruitment process, but larger organizations often use professional recruiters (see Clause A.12).
— Awareness: once communication objectives and methods are established, people should be made aware that ISO 9001 requires an organization to establish and implement a quality management system. Managers should ensure that their people are aware of those processes for which they are responsible (see Clause A.3).
— Engagement: employer engagement Is the company’s commitment to Improving the partnership and developing shared understanding between the people and their managers (see Clause A 8).
— Teamwork and collaboration: occurs when people work together for a common goal. This is a way of organizing workload which strongly contributes to people involvement. This creates common goals, shared knowledge, values and behaviour, thus increasing the probability that quality objectives can be achieved (see Clause A.14).
— Responsibility and authority: managers are accountable for creating systems which provide people with the authority to assume responsibility to make decisions about their work. They should be consistent with competence requirements defined within their quality management system. The managers create a work environment which fosters the Nlity of people to control their own work and make decisions for which they are accountable (see Clause A.13),
— Creativity and innovation; success results from a high degree ci creativity. Allowing creativity creates a higher sense of personal fuffilment and consequently enhances involvement. Creativity is the process of producing new ideas, while innovation is the process 01 applying such these ideas. In the context of an organization, the term innovation relers to the entire process by which individuals or groups generate creative new ideas and convert them into products, services, or business practices (see Clause A.5).
— Recognition and rewards: the organization should take actions to continually improve people InvolvemenL This is achieved through recognition and rewards as well as feedback for individuals or teams that have been involved in achieving results to the benefit of the organization (see Clause All).
In addition to the above factors, other factors descnbed in Annex A also affect the level of people involvement. i.e. leadership (see Clause A.9). empowerment (see Clause A.7), attitude and motivation (see Clause A.2), and education and learning (see Clause A.6).
EXAMPLES Examples of methods br measurmg the extent to which some of these human factors are Implemented are given below. These measurements can be obtained through staff surveys, locus groups or individual interviews.
— Awareness: the degree of understanding of Iris policies and objectives of the organization’s quahty management system
— Networking the effectiveness 01 how groups of people work together and support each other in critical tasks.
— Engagement the level of satisfaction people have In activities such as communication. learning and management
— Teamwork: the extent to which a team reaches Is obectives In key proecl milestones and process requirements.
— Creativity and innovation: the numbers of Ideas generated when compared to thew Implementation rates
4.6.3 ImplementatIon of competence plans
The or9anization should carry out planned activities fr competence acquisition. The input to this 5tep 5 the competence acquisition plan.
Activities m an acquisition plan for the organization could be education and training, recruitment, establishing partnerships and outsourcing.
For the individual, a competence development plan can be compnsed of activities such as education and training, both classroom or on-the-job, networtdng. teamwork, reading and self-study.
Activities that have been carried out should be recorded.