ISO 10254:1995 pdf download – Air cargo and ground equipment-Vocabulary.
fbricarrid material used in container manufacture which is made from woodpulp, straw, waste papers. or any combination thereof, pressed and held to. gether to form a semirigid board
NOlt — It may be in solid form consi.ting of two or more plies ued together, or In corrugated form in which on. or more tta pid peaces er, glued between alternate tat facing.. Both type. may or may not be lined on one or both faces with lwiineted paper, metal loll. plaatic, or kraft or similar paper.
fit check
test loading of a prototype unit to determine whether it will fit into the aircraft for which it has been deSigned
(aircraft) restraint rails and floor locking devices installed to bold the aircraft unit load device or bulk loaded cargo or baggage
(unit load device) any supplementary hardware (buckles, rings) on the net, and the attachment points on the pallet
lame resistant
resistant to combustion in accordance with the required airworthiness standard
floating pallet
unit load device which is positioned over more than one pallet position and is not secured by the aircraft ULD restraint system, but is secured to the aircraft structure by means of lashings to tie-down fittings
floor bearing load
intensity of loading in term, of load per unit area that is imposed on the floor
modular load unit
unit load dv,ce consisting of a single packaging or an overpack grouping a number of smaller mdi. vidual packagings whirth is nnt intended to interface with sri aircraft cargo handling and restraining system but which is designed. singly or in multiples, to load into an aircraft ULD
non-aircraft unit load device non-aircraft container
ULD satisfying the criteria set forth in its appropriate specification and designed to be carried on or in an aircraft ULD
NOTE — Ii doss not interface directly with the aircraft cargo hanlng and restraining systesm
non-structural contaaner
item of equipment similar to a structural igloo but not Intended to contnbute towards the restraint of the cargo and, therefore, requiring the addition of a pallet net to provide isstrairit tpôbili1y
outboard side
wall of the unit ri proximity to the outermost port or starboard side of the fuselage
overthrow strap
strap used to secure large items to the pallet instead of, or in addition to. the pallet net and also used for supplemental restreant of ULDs to the aircraft floor attachments
pelet extender
hinged panel (wing) which attaches to the end of a pallet to provide increased volumetric capacity
NOTE — They are typically supported at an angle of 45 by mear of cables attached to the pellet edge rail extrusion, Men not We use, th. extenders are normally folded flat on top of the pallet. In some cases, the wings can optionally be used vertically to facilitate restraint and stacking of irregular or cVlin&ical shaped items.
right-hand sad of the *rcraft, facing forward
static load test
application of static mass sufficient to venfy the capability of the ULDto withstand the design loads
stirrup attachments
lip installed in a cut-out in me edge member of an aircraft 9g pallet to Which a 9g overthrow strap is attached
structural Container
item of certified aircraft equipment coni5ting of a rigid shell attached to an aircraft pallet, shaped to conform to the aircraft envelop., providing weather protection and providing cargo restraint without the use of a pallet net
NOTE — See aircraft mit load device.
tar weight
mass of the empty unit load device
tensioning buckle, hardware on an aircraft pallet net or overthrow strap for length adjustment to ensure that aN the slack has been taken up and the net or strap fits securely on the load
thermal ULD
IJLD built with insulating walls, doors, floor and roof Which ratards the rate of heat transmission between the inside and the outside of the ULD
tie-down fitting
attachment device designed 10 triifer forces between a load bearing device (net, strap, rope or bar) and a he-down track
tie-down track track
standardized configuration designed to take tie- down fittings and capable of transferring forces into a LJLD or aircraft structure to which it is attached.