ISO 7137:1995 pdf download – Aircraft – Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment
ISO 7137:1995 pdf download – Aircraft – Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment.
ISO 7137 lists the different envroflmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment and is piimarily intondd for civil ancVor transport aircraft applications.
Thi5 International Standard is an endorsement of sections of publicahons EUROCAE/ED-14C and which supplement several ISO International Standards
2 Requirements
Environrriental conditions and test procedures applicable to airborne equipment are laid down in
EUROCAE1ED-14C and RTCNDO-160C. 1989-12-12 editions, amended in accordance with revision No. 2 (19924)6-19). which are adopted as do facto ISO International Standards
All environmental conditions and test procedures laid down in EUROCAEIED-14C and RTCNDO-160C are not necessarily applicable to all airborne equipment The selection of the appwpfiete environmental conditions and test procedures is the responsibility of the writer (author) of the performance standards for the specific airborne equipment.
3 Test procedures
The test procedures given in table 1 are issued or endorsed by ISO.
4 Reference to ISO test procedures
When refernrig to environmental conditions and test procedures dealt with in this International Standard, reference shall be made to the number of this International Standard and to the reference number of the test procedure as given in table 1 Use the exarriçle given below as a model.
Reference to the test ocedure for fluids susceptibility in accordance with section 11 of EUROCAEJED-14C and RTCNDO-160C shall be made as follows
Test procedure ISO 1137- 16
5 Revision of EUROCAEIED-14C and RTCA/DO-1 60C
It has been agreed with EUROCAE and RTCA that Technical Committee ISOITC 20 will be consulted m the event of any revision or amendment of these publications.