ISO 9009:1991 pdf download – Glass containers 一Height and non-parallism of finish with reference to container base一Test methods
ISO 9009:1991 pdf download – Glass containers 一Height and non-parallism of finish with reference to container base一Test methods.
ISO 900 specifies lest methods for determining the height and the non-parallelism of finish with reference to the container base of glass containers.
2,Normatlve reference
The following standard contains provisions which, through relerence in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicaled was valid. All slandards are subject to revislon, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encour.
aged to investlgate the possibility of applying the most recent edition ol the standard indicated below.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently vald International Standards.
ISO 7348:1991. Glass containers – Manufacture -Vocabulary.
3 Definittlons
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO 7348 and the following delfinitions apply.
3.1 (maximum) helght of a container: The distance between the highest point on the plane of the top surface of the finish and the slanding surface. (See figure 1.)
3.2 minimum height of a contalner: The distance between the lowest point on the plane of the top
surface of the finish and the standing surface. (See figure 1.)
3.3 non-parallelism: The dfference between the maximum and minimum heights of a container. (See
figure 1.)
4 Princlple
4.1 Checking of the height of a container using maximum and minimum GO/NO GO gauges or by
using an appropriate measuring instrument. Determination of the (maximum) height.
4.2 Determination of the non-parallelism of finish.
5 Apparatus
5.1 For checking the helght
Various types of gauge exist. Examples are given in 5.1.1 and 5.1.2.
5.1.1 Helght gauge. consisting for example of a baseplate with one or two vertical pillars and
a) a fxed horizontal cross-piece. in which case the distance between the baseplate and the crosspiece is equivalent to the dimension to be gauged, or
b) a fixed horizontal cross-piece with a slep. in which case the distances between the baseplate
and the tWO porions of the cross-plece are equlvalent to the maximum and minimum heights to be gauged (see. for example. figure2). or
c) an adjustable horizontal cross-plece, which may be fixed al a distance from the baseplate equivalent to the distance to be gauged.
5.1.2 Window gauge, which combines minimum body diameter and maximum height.
5.2 For determination of height
Various types of apparatus exist, such as an engineering height vernier and a mcromeler height gauge Such apparatus shall have an accuracy of measurement of el least 0.1 mm
5.3 For determination of non-parallelism The apparatus may be
a) that described In 5 1.1 C) together with feeler gauges In 0.1 mm steps, or
b) the apparatus described In 5 2.
For quick qualitative determinations, a spiril level may be used
6 SamplIng
Sampling shall Form the subjeci of agreement between the parties concerned
7 Procedure
7.1 heIght of container
7.1.1 QuIck
Place the container on a metal baseplate Set up a height gauge (5 11) (see mr example. figure 2) so that the minimum and maximum heights correspond to the heighi tolerance requirements to an accuracy of 0.1mm
Determine those containers which slide under the highest portion of the gauge and which do not slide under the lowest portion of Ihe gauge.
71.2 Determination of (maximum) height
Using an engineering height vernier or other suitabte apparatus (52). measure the (maximum) height of the container to an accuracy of 0,1 mm.
7.2 Non-parallelIsm of finish with reference to container base
Place the container on a metal baseplate. Using an engineering height vernier or other suitable apparatus (5,2) measure, to an accuracy of 0,1 mm, the Fowest po.nt of the Pnish (ic. Ihe mrnirnum height) and, if not already delermln.d In 7.1 2. the highest point of the finish (i.e. the maximum height) (see figure 1).