ISO 9330-6:1997 pdf download – Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes一 Technical delivery conditions一 Part 6: Longitudinally welded austenitic stainless steel tubes
ISO 9330-6:1997 pdf download – Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes一 Technical delivery conditions一 Part 6: Longitudinally welded austenitic stainless steel tubes.
94.1.4 Selection of samples and test pieces
Samples and test pieces shall be taken at the tube ends and in accordance with the requirements of ISO 377-I Location and orientation of th. test pieces Test piece for the tensile test
The test piece br the tensile test is either a full tube section or a test piece taken w a direction either longitudinal or transverse to the axis of the tube, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 6892
At the manufacturers option:
— for tubes with an outside diameter less than or equal to 219,1 mm. the test is earned out either on a tube section or on a test piece taken in a direction longitudinal to the axis of the tube;
— for tubes with an outside diameter greater then 219.1 mm, the test piece is taken in a direction either longitudinal or transverse to the axis of the tube, Test piece for the tensile test on the weld
The test piece for the tensile test on the weld shall be taken transverse to the weld, with the weld at the centre of the test piece The test piece shall be a strv section with the full thickness of the tube, and the weld bead may be removed. Test piece for the flattening test
The test piece for the flattening test shall consist of a tube section. in conformity with ISO 8492. This test shall not apply for tubes with an outside diameter above 400 mm. Test piece for the bend test
The test piece for the bend test shall consist of a section cut from the tube in accordance with the requirements of ISO 7438. For tubes with a wall thickness greater than 20 mm, the test piece may nsist of a segment in a transverse direction, with rectangular section. 38 mm wide and 19 mm thick. Test piece for the drift or ring expanding test or ring tensile test
The test piece for the drift or ring expanding test or ring tensile test consists of a tube section in conformity with
ISO $493, ISO 8495 or ISO 8496, reectrvely. This test shaN not apply for tubes with an outside diameter above 400 mm Testplecesfor the Impact test
Impact testing may be agreed on at the time of ordering If so. a set of thee ISO V-notch full se (10mm x 10 mrnl test pieces shall be taken from each sample tube transverse to the tube axis, provided that the dimension of the tube permits this without flattening of the test piece; otherwise, the test pieces shall be taken longitudinal to the tube axis.
The test pieces shall be taken and prepered in such a way that the SxiS of the notch is perpendicular to the surf ace of the tube.
In the case of tubes with a wall thickness exceeding 30 mm, the centre line of the test piece shall have a distance from the external surface equal to one-quarter of the wall thickness, or shal be positioned as close as possible to this location.
9.4.2 At elevated temperature
The determination of proof stresses. R2 and R010, may be agreed upon at the time of ordering. The temperature
and number ol test pieces I see 99.2.2) shall also be established at this time.
9.4.3 At low temperature
Fo tubes with a wall thickness greater than or equal to 6 mm. the determination of low temperature impact properties may be agreed upon at th. time of ordering. The temperature for the impact test shall also be established at this time.
The form and &mens4Ons of test pieces sha&I be in accordance with ISO 148.
For the impact test, the test piece shall be taken longitudinal to the tube axis
9.4.4 lntergranular corrosion test
If a test for the resistance to ntergranular corrosion is requited, the number of test pieces per test unit shall be agreed upon
Details for the selection and preparation of samples and test pieces may also be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order
9.5 Leak-tightness test
9.5.1 The tubes shall all be submitted to a leak-tightness test
9.5.2 Unless otherwise specified by the purctiaser. the hydraulic leak-tightness test may be replaced, at the discretion of the manufacturer, by a non-destructive test Isee 99 7.2).
9.6 Dimensional testing
The tubes shall be checked with respect to dimensions,
The tolerance on diameter is normally measured across the diameter: however, for tubes where the outside diameter is greater than 168,3 mm, this tolerance may be measured on the circumference using a tape. In the case of dispute, the tolerance shall be that measured across the diameter.
Unless otherwise specified at the time of enquiry and order, the wall thickness shall be measured at the tube ends.