ISO 9725:1992 pdf download – Nickel and nickel alloy forgings.
lii Temper
Unless otherwise specilted, forgings fo be heat treated by the purchaser shall be supplied in the hot-worked temper
The supplier 01 preclpitatlon-hardenable alloy forging. shall demonstrat. the capability of m..t,ng the requirements sp.cfied in table 2 andlor table 4. by t.sUng samples heat treated In accordance with table 3.
12.4 Dlm.nsional tolerances
Dimensional tolerances shalt conform to the r.qun-emenis specift.d on the order form or drawing
12.5 Se,tace condition
Forgings shall be clean and free from detrimental surface imperfections
7 Sampling
7.1 Chemical analysis
7.1.1 Representative heat analysis eamples shall be taken during pouring or subsequent processing.
7.1.2 Product analysis samples shall be taken from the fInished product
7.2 TonsIl.. creep or stress rupture test
Test specimens shall be taken either as separate test samples (see 72.1). as integral test samples (see 122) or as test samples machined from the body at the forgings
Unless otherwise speclf).d. the sampling procedure and (the location of samples representing the loS shall be at the option 01 the supplier,
7.2.1 S.parat. lest samples shall be prepared from the same heal from which the forging, are made and ford to obtain samples Separate test samples ihall be denliftabte to the lorgings they represent 7.2.2 Integral lest samples shall be provided by extensiOns or prolongatlons Ofl Ofle. 01 both ends of tb lorgings, they shall not be separated from the forging, until all heat treatm•nt has been completed
lithe forging. ate 10 be supphed In other than the faily heat-treated condition, the test samples shall be separated from th forging. only II required by the purchaser
72.3 T.,* samples machind from the body of the lorgings shall be taken Wi the final h•at4reatid condition
7.3 Heat treatment of test samples
7.3.1 Forglnga s:1 fri hot.worked temper
If appropriate, test samples eslected in accordance with 7.2 shall be annealed or sotubofi and precipitateon treated in accordance with table 3 prIor to testing
7.3.2 Forglngs it hi heat-healed temper
Test sample., eateded in accordance wIth 7.2 shah be heat treated with the forging they represent Number of tests
8.1 Chemical analysis. on. test per heat
8.2 Forgisga heat heated by the manufacturer
Tensil, strength and creep of stress rupture and grain size shall be tested the frequency of one test per
8.3 Forging. to be he treated by the purchaser
Capabitity tests for tensile strength, creep or stress ri.iplure shall be tested l a frequency of one test per lot
9 Teat procedures
9.1 Chemical analysis
9.1.1 The method of chemical analysis shall be at the option of the supplier, however, in cases of dIsput, th. method specified In the relevant International Standard shall be used
If no International Standard exists. an analytical method that can be calibrated toe reference standard agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier shall be used For a list of ISO analytical standards, so. annex A.
I any one of the test pieces Itrit s.iected falls to pass the a citled tests, iwo further samples from the same lot shall be for letting, one of which shafl be from the origmal forging tested. unen that forging has been withdrawn by the suppllei If the test pIeces from both these additional samples pass, the lot represented by the test samples shall be deemed to comply wIth the requirements of this International Slandard If the test pieces from either of these additional samples (all, 11w lot represented by these samples shall be deemed not to comply wIth the requirements of this lnt.rnational Standard.
10 Meriting
10.1 Each shipping container shall be marked wIth the number ci this International Standard, the aHoy Identiltealton (either the number or the description), heal-treated condition, drawing number, the gross, tare and net weight, the consigner and consignee address, contract or order number, and any other Information requested Ia the contract or order
10.2 Ii agreed between the purchaser and supplier, the supplier shalt mark each forging wIth the number of this International Standard, the alloy identillcation (either the designation or the UNS-Number), the heat number and the rnanulacturer’s name The method of marking will be at the option of the sup. plier. unless otherwse agreed Marking shall not result In harmful contamination
11 PUFChaer or third party
On-site inspection of lorgings by the purchaser or third parties shall be in accordance with agreements made between the purchaser and the supplier as part as the purchase contract.