UL 60730-2-6:2002 pdf download – Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Automatic Electrical Pressure Sensing Controls Including Mechanical Requirements
UL 60730-2-6:2002 pdf download – Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Automatic Electrical Pressure Sensing Controls Including Mechanical Requirements.
15.1 .101 For PRESSURE LIliTEm, PRESSURE CUT-OUTS with a TYPE 2 ACTION and PRESSURE OPERATt4G CONTROLS for refrigerant fluids with a ThVE z ACTIO, the values of MA4UFACTURINO DEVIATION and ORWT shall be as declared by
15.1.1O1DV 02 ModifIcation 0115.1.101 of the part 2 by adding the following:
Refer to Table AA.1O1DV in Annex AA for maximum allowable variations of MANuFACTURIG
DEVIATION and owr.
154 Replacement:
The operating pressure shall be declared in 7.2. The allowable deviation and onrr shall not be applied for the purpose of deliberately exceeding the maximum operaling pressure.
15.4DV D2 ModIfication 0115.4 of the part 2 by adding:
For Type 2 pressure SENSING COWOLS, see Table AA.1O1DV In Annex AA. 15.5.5 Additional subciause:
15.5.5,101 For controls which have SET Poi,vrs which can be set by the usra, the initial operating pressure shall be determined at the maximum and minimum sy powrs and at a SET romr approximately midway between the maximum and minimum. For such controls the maximum vanatioiis as specified in 15.4 of th,s standard are applicable to the maximum SET POWT,
A 5% scale error, based on the maximum SETTIIVO, may be applied to the minimum and midway SET POWTS. This scale error may be in addition to the maximum variations.
The control shall be connected to a source of aerosfatic or hydrostatic pressure, consistent with its intended use. A pressure within 25% of the operating pressure (maximum, minimum or midway value) Is to be established and the pressure is then increased or decreased at a rate of 10% of the operating pressure per minute but in no case is the rate of change to exceed 60 Pa/s.
The test conditions and test apparatus for the initial test and final test, after the endurance tests of clause 17. shall be the same.
16 Environmental stress
This clause of Part Us applicable.
17 Endurance
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows: Replacement
Compliance with 17.1.1 and 17.1.2 is checked by the test of 17.16,
17.16.IO2DV DE Modification of 17.16.102of the part 2:
17.16.1O2DV.1 For 17.7 and 17.8, revise ..by the manufacturer in 7.2. to ‘..by the manufacturer in accordance with Table 7.2.”
17.16.1O2DV.2 For 17.9, delete as specified in 17.18.102.”
17.16.1O2DV.3 For the first paragraph beginning ‘17.10 to 17.13,” replace limit controls’ with limiters.”
17.16.IO2DV.4 For the second paragraph beginning “17.10 to 17.13 replace limit contror with limiter.
17.16.103 pisssuis cut-our
17.1 to 17.5 inclusive are applicable.
17.6 is applicable to actions classified as Type 1.M or 2.M, the vakie of “X being as small as practicable.
17.7 and 17.8 are applicable except that, me reset O€RArION, if required, is obtained by ACTUATION. This ACTUATION shall be as specified In 17,4 for accelerated speed, as soon as permitted by the mechanism, or as declared by the manufacturer in 7.2.
17.9 is applicable, but only to SLOW-MAKE. sLow-eEsx AUTOMATIC ACTIONS, the same conditions for manual reset as specified in 17.16.102 for 17.7 and 17,8 being used.
17.10 to 17.13 Inclusive are not applicable to the normal reset ACTION which is tested during the automatic test of 17.7 to 17.9 inclusive. If the pssw CUT-OUT has other UAMJAL ACTIONS which are not tested during the automatic tests. then these subclauses are applicable.
17,14 is applicable.
17.16.1O3DV DE Modification 0117.16.10301 the part 2:
For 17.7 and 17.8, replace 7.2 with “accordance with Table 7.2.”
18 Mechanical strength
This clause of Part I is applicable, except as follows:
Additional subciauses:
18.101 Medium leakage
Parts of PRSSSURE LIMITERS or eiisssu cui-ouis which are subjected to pressure of a fluid to be supervised shall not leak externally at a rate in excess of 200 cm3Th when tested with air or nitrogen at a pressure of 1.5 times the u..,uu woc,dG PRESSL%E of the control.
To determine compliance the control is to be connected to a system capable of supplying clean air or nitrogen at the specified test pressure. Any by-pass or other openings not essential to the OPERATION of the control during the test are to be sealed. Air or nitrogen is to be admitted and maintained at the specified.