UL 758:2000 pdf download – Appliance Wiring Material
UL 758:2000 pdf download – Appliance Wiring Material.
11.5 A shield consisting of a conductive polymeric layer shall he black in color and have a volume re s is tivity not e xc e e ding 50,000 oh rn-cc n time te rs at the ra te d te rn p e ra tu re of the ins u Ia tio n a n d s ha II he provided with a drain wire or other means for termination. Wires or cables using conductive polymeric shields shall be marked in accordance with 46.3 and 47.2(1).
11.6 The details of the construction of a shield and the manner of its application are not specified. There are no requircments for the electromagnetic performance of a shield.
11.7 A shield consisting of a wrap. serving, or tape shall not be the outermost covering on a wire unless
the wire is intended for Use Rating F. Wires using such a shield shall have an overall jacket or covering.
A shield consisting of a wire braid or a conductive extrusion is not required to be covered.
12 Cable Assembly
12 effective July 14. 2005
12.1 Except for cables marked “VM,” all of the circuit conductors and insulated grounding conductors shall have the same voltage rating.
12.2 Insulated conductors with different temperature ratings that are mixed in a given cable complies with the in te n t of this re q u ire me n t wh e n the cable is rate d for the lowe s t te m p e ra tu re rating of a n y of the constituent insulated conductors. The insulated conductors shall not he marked with a temperature rating that is higher than that of the finished cable.
12.3 In a given cable, all of the power conductors shall be of the same metal. Cables may contain conductors of different sizes and may contain precabled groups of conductors as described in 12.5.
12.4 In a cable with two conductors, the conductors and any grounding conductor may be either cabled (round) or laid parallel (flat cable).
12.5 The circuit conductors in a round cable shall be cabled with a length of lay that is uniform throughout the length of the cable. Grouping of the circuit conductors into pairs, triads, quads, and other precabled subassemblies is not required. The direction of lay may be changed throughout the length of the cable. The intervals are not required to be uniform. In a cable in which the lay is reversed:
a) Each area in which the lay is right- or left-hand for several (typically 10) complete twists (full 360-degree cycles) shall have the insulated conductors or precabled groups of insulated conductors cabled with a length of lay that is not greater than indicated in Table 12.1 and
h) The length of each lay — transition zone (oscillated section) between these areas of rightand left-hand shall not exceed 1.8 times the maximum length of lay indicated in Table 12.1. When the direction of lay is not reversed in a cable containing layers of conductors or groups, the direction of lay of successive layers is not specified. (A left-hand is defined as a counterclockwise twist away from the observer).
13.1 An overall jacket shalluse one of the jacket materials indicated in Tables 7.1 and 7.2, or any of the jacket mate rials described in S pecific Materials,Section 50 ofUL 1581. Other mate rials shallbe evaluated in accordance with Long Term Aging, Section 481 of UL 1581. An overall jacket shall be applied directly over the cable asse mbly.
13.2 A protective jacket is not required for internal use (Use Rating I) cables. When used, the jacket shall be of an inte gral or noninte gral cons truction. The jacket material shall be in accordance with Tables 7.1 and 7.2, or any of the materials described in Specific Materials, Section 50 of UL 1581. The jacket thickness is not specified, however, it must comply with the tests outlined in these require ments.
13.3 A protective jacket is required for external use (Use Rating I) cables. The jacket shall be of an integral or noninte gral cons truction. The jacket material shallbe in accordance with Tables 7.1 and 7.2, or any of the materials described in S pecific Materials, Section 50 of UL 1581. The jacket thickness shall comply with Tables 13.1 一13.3, and the cable shall comply with the re quire ments of the Vertical Fla me Test for Use Rating II, Section 40.