(1) any two of the three reduced volume flushes and
(2) all residual and new paper load added in the following single conventional long flush
Failure to perform both (1) and (2) above shall be cause for rejection.
3.3.4 Water Consumption and Trap Seal Restoration Reduced Water Flush Volume
(a) Test Method. Test method follows para., water consumption test, of ASME A112.19.6, with the following changed action: set the dual flush mechanism for 30% savings of water closet rated consumption, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for achieving satisfactory performance.
(b) Performance Requirements. Average water consumption (total flush volume), with the reduced volume flush derived with the dual flush mechanism (installed and set according to manufacturer’s instructions) actuation for the lower water consumption over the range of test pressures specified, shall represent at least 30% reduction of the rated consumption of the water closet. The reduction in water consumption volume shall not be less than 30% at any test pressure, based upon average values from the three-run test sets. Trap Seal Restoration
(a) Test Method. Test method follows ASME A112.19.6, paras. and, with the following changed action: set the dual flush mechanism for a minimum 30% savings of water closet rated consumption, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for achieving satisfactory performance.
Tests shall be repeated three successive times only with the reduced volume flushes, without added refill of the bowl. The trap seal refill shall be for full reseal to within ‘2 in. (13 mm) for each repeated test; if trap seal depth failure with the three consecutive reduced flushes occurs, perform seven additional tests and record data. The trap seal depth shall not be less than in. (13 mm) of full trap seal in six out of the total of ten tests.
For water closets that normally have 21/2 in. (64 mm) seal, full reseal shall be realized in the first three tests and, if not demonstrated, then seven additional reduced flushes shall be repeated, after the initial three, and a total of six low successive flushes with full refill shall be demonstrated. The trap seal depth shall not fall below 21/2 in. (64 mm), to within 14 in. (6 mm), in any one of the tests. Without additional bowl refill, flush one conventional long duration full discharge and observe the siphonic action and measure trap seal. Record the results of each test separately.
(b) Performance Requirements. For each set of tests, at each of the pressures, the data for the average trap seal depth in the bowl for acceptable performance shall not be reduced by
(1) more than a total of 1/2 in. (13 mm), based on the sequence of three successive reduced flush operations; or from the additional seven tests, for a total of ten tests, more than an average from six tests of 1/ in. (6 mm) below the required trap seal
(2) more than a total of 1/ in. (6 mm) below the required trap seal with the long conventional flush and with preservation of siphonic action
For closets with normal 2’/2 in. (64 mm) trap seal, the first three tests shall demonstrate full reseal and, if not shown, six of the seven additional tests shall be full reseal and have no more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) loss in any one of those tests.
Trap seal replenishment may not be sufficient with controlled reduced volume discharges due to shorter refill times and other control strategies. Insufficient trap seal depth can reduce protection intended and may cause loss of siphonic action. Failure to meet the trap seal requirements shall be cause for rejection.
The requirement for label information that shall be attached, or printed on packaging, is to include the statement “Tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.1O- 2003, which specifies that the reduced flush mode be set at 30% water savings for all laboratory test modes.”