ASME B30.19-2016 pdf – Cableways.
(2) in rotation-resistant wire ropes, two randomly distributed broken wires in 6 rope diameters, or four randomly distributed broken wires in 30 rope diamters.
(3) one outer wire, broken at the contact point with the core of the rope, that has worked its way out of the rope structure and protrudes and ioops out from the rope structure. Additional inspection of this section is required.
(4) kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure.
(5) evidence of heat damage from any cause.
(6) reductions from nominal diameter of more than 5%.
in standing ropes, more than two broken wires in one lay in sections beyond end connections, or more than one broken wire at an end connection.
(8) reduction of rope diameter due to loss of core support or internal or external corrosion.
(9) wire rope core (IWRC) or strand core protrusion between the outer strands.
(10) deviations from the removal criteria as listed in (b)(1) through (b)(9) are allowed only with the written approval of the manufacturer of the specific wire rope to which the deviation is applicable.
(c) Broken wire removal criteria cited in this Volume applies to wire rope operating on multilayered drums regardless of sheave material.
(d) Replacement rope shall have a minimum breaking force at least equal to the original rope furnished or recommended by the cableway manufacturer or designer, or a qualified person. Any deviation from the original size, grade, or construction shall be specified by the rope manufacturer, the cableway manufacturer or designer, or a qualified person.
(e) Ropes Not in Regular Use. All rope that has been idle for a period of less than 6 months shall be given an inspection conforming to the requirements of paras. 19-2.1.2 and 19-2.4.2(a) before being returned to service. All rope that has been idle for 6 months or more shall be given an inspection conforming to the requirements of paras. 19-2.1.3 and 19-2.4.2(b) before being returned to service.
(f) Inspection Records
(1) Frequent inspection — no records required.
(2) Periodic inspection — in order to establish data as a basis for judging the proper time for replacement, a dated report of rope condition at each periodic inspection shall be kept on file. This report shall cover points of deterioration listed in para. 19-2.4.2(b)(2).
(g) A long-range inspection program should be established and should include records on examination of rope removed from service so a relationship can be established between visual observation and actual condition of the internal structure.
19-2.4.4 Rope Maintenance
(a) Rope should be stored in a manner that prevents damage or deterioration.
(b) Rope shall be unreeled or uncoiled as recommended by the rope manufacturer, with care taken to avoid kinking or inducing a twist.
(c) Before cutting a rope, seizings shall be placed on each side of the place where the rope is to be cut to prevent unlaying of the strands. On preformed rope, one seizing on each side of the cut is required. On non- preformed ropes of in. (22 mm) diameter or smaller, two seizings on each side of the cut are required. For nonpreformed rope of 1 in. (26 mm) diameter or larger, three seizings on each side of the cut are required.
(d) During installation, care should be exercised to avoid dragging the rope in dirt or around objects that will scrape, nick, crush, or induce sharp bends.
(e) Rope should be maintained in a well lubricated condition. It is important that lubricant applied as part of a maintenance program shall be compatible with the original lubricant, and to this end the rope manufacturer should be consulted. Lubricant applied shall be the type that does not hinder visual inspection. Those sections of rope that are located over sheaves or otherwise hidden during inspection and maintenance procedures require special attention during lubrication. The object of rope lubrication is to reduce internal friction and to prevent corrosion.
(f) When an operating rope shows greater wear at well defined localized areas than on the remainder of rope, rope life can be extended in cases where a reduced rope length is adequate by cutting off a section at the worn end, thus shifting the wear to different areas of the rope.