ASME B30.23-2005 pdf – Personnel Lifting Systems
ASME B30.23-2005 pdf – Personnel Lifting Systems.
(4) verify that the hoisting equipment is set up and maintained within 1% of level during a personnel lift.
(5) for hoisting equipment with a boom-attached platform, verify that the platform is attached as specified by the platform manufacturer and hoisting equipment manufacturer or qualified person.
(6) for hoisting equipment that uses rope to hoist a personnel platform, verify that the equipment has an anti-two-block device or upper travel limit switch, installed and operational.
(7) not allow the total weight of the lifted load, including rigging, platform, personnel, tools, and material, to exceed 50% of the hoisting equipment’s rated load, under the planned conditions of operation (except during testing as outlined in Chapter 23-2).
(8) not allow the platform’s rating or the hoisting equipment’s reduced rated load to be exceeded when loads are transferred to the hoisted platform.
(9) perform a trial lift prior to lifting personnel with the platform on each shift and after any change of setup location, hoist equipment configuration, or operator. These lifts shall be used to ascertain that hoist equipment setup and configuration is correct, load capacities are adequate, and no hazardous interferences exist and to further demonstrate the operator’s competence.
(10) verify that during the trial lift, the platform is loaded to at least the weight expected during the actual lift.
(11) position the platform so that it may be tied off to the structure to which the occupants are entering or leaving, if the platform cannot be landed during the entrance or exit of the occupants. If the platform has been tied off, the operator shall not move the platform until it is verified that it is freely suspended.
(12) not knowingly allow the platform load to exceed the platform rating, except during proof testing.
(l3) not travel the hoisting equipment with personnel in the personnel platform except when the equipment runs on fixed rails or runways.
(14) perform all movements of the platform in a slow, controlled manner to minimize sudden movements of the platform.
(15) engage the power-controlled lowering mechanism at all times the platform is occupied (no freefall).
(16) not lift or lower an occupied platform at a speed in excess of 100 ft/mm (30.5 rn/mm) (except during testing as outlined in Chapter 23-2).
(17) in the case of suspended or boom-mounted platforms, without controls, remain at the hoisting equipment controls at all times when the platform is occupied.
5) (18) in the case of boom-mounted platforms, with controls and a means of lowering, retracting, and rotating in the event the primary power source becomes inoperative, be free to not remain at the hoisting equipment controls.
(19) set all brakes and locks on the hoisting equipment after positioning of the personnel platform and before personnel perform any work.
(20) move the platform under controlled conditions and under the direction of a designated signalperson.
(21) not move platforms over, under, or in the vicinity of power lines unless the requirements of Appendix I are met.
(22) not lift any other loads, on any other load lines, while conducting a personnel lift. When the hoisting equipment has a boom-attached platform without controls, it shall not be used for other lifting service.
(23) not disable, or allow to be disabled, any hoist equipment safety device during a personnel lift.
(24) not operate a platform with motion controls without the platform operation manual available in the platform.
(25) hoist the platform at a speed suitable for the safety of the operation but in no case in excess of 90 ft/mm (30 rn/mm) or 1.5 ft/sec (0.5 m/sec).
(h) The operator should avoid the simultaneous operation of more than one of the hoisting equipment motion controls, unless such practice increases the safety of the lift operation.
23-3.2.3 Ground Crew
The platform operation instructions in this volume are intended as minimum criteria for general applications. The platform manufacturer’s information shall be consulted for specific instruction on the platform’s operation. The ground crew shall
(a) inspect the platform prior to each lift to verify all attachments and the platform structure are secure.
(b) observe the weight test and report any deformation or hazardous conditions to the Personnel Lift Supervisor. Items noted during the weight test shall be verified as safe by a qualified person prior to commencing the personnel lift.
(c) inspect and attach the personnel platform in the manner specified by the platform manufacturer.
(d) verify the platform is evenly loaded, material.