DD IEC TS 62666:2010 pdf – Guidelines for the inclusion of documentation aspects inproduct standards.
The amount of information can be very large, and therefore the structuring of such information, and thus also the structuring of the documentation itself, is important for quick and efficient retrieval of information. The requirements in standards shall thus point out the necessity of well organized and informative documentation, both with regard to single products and to systems.
The basis for the structuring of information is the assumption that:
• descriptive information shall be structured in a way that models how a user of the information perceives the system or product from different aspects: and
• activity-related information shall be structured along activities during the lifecycle of the delivered system or product
Both these major types of Information snail normally be provided. In simpler cases (e.g. a small consumer product), they may be provided in a single document.
NOTE The documeni type lnstructlons for us.e a the minimum set of information that ahoutd be supplied for any product, sea future IEC 82079.1.
In more complex cases (e.g. industrial plants and installations with separately defined subsystems and components) the information needs to be structured into sets of documents
The basic steps involved in structuring a sot of documents. i.e. deciding the scope of Information to be presented in each document, Include.
a) organizing the documentation with regard to the sub-systems and components constituting the entire system or product. see IEC 62023 and IEC 81346-1;
b) within a system or a product or its constituents, preparing the descriptive documentation with regard to the kind of information contained (for example circuit diagram, assembly drawing, etc), see IEC 61355 for possible document kinds:
C) organize the documentation containing activity-related Information with regard to the lilecycle of the system or product, within the framework defined in accordance with a), see IEC 61355 for possible document kinds.
The documentation shall be so prepared that duplication of information among the documents Is minimized, Thus, the complete set of documents for a certain system or product prepared by the manufacturer or supplier in accordance with relevant documentation standards shall be considered as the basic or source documentation for that system or product.
The source information (documents, database content, etc.) shall be kept by the owner party in accordance with applicable requirements of the ISO 9000 series (especially ISO 9001) or for any legal purposes or policies of the owner party.
Any other agreed requirements on structuring or distribution of documentation in certain containers (structured to suit the user organisation(s) or structured to suit the agreed types of media to be supplied. etc.) shall be considered as copies and may not influence the structure of the original documentation. In other words, any such supplied document set shall be considered as a copy. It may be a subset of the original document set.
5.2.1 General
The documentation shall be supplied in the form most appropriate for conveying the
Information, for example: drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, instructions (text, audio, video).
Standards related to products and systems shall not only require that documents should be
Included in the delivery but also that the documents shall be prepared and named in
accordance with relevant documentation standards.
The documentation shall be supplied as a document set on a medium or on media suitable forthe environment where the information is expected to be needed,for example paper,electronic file on ROM,(separated from the delivered system or product or integrated into it)or via Internet. Due to the varying needs and continuous development in this area, the type(s)of medium may need to be agreed upon by the involved parties in the contract.