ISO 6722-1:2011 pdf download – Road vehicles -6o V and 60o v single-core cables – Part 1: Dimensions, test methods and requirements for copper conductor cables
ISO 6722-1:2011 pdf download – Road vehicles -6o V and 60o v single-core cables – Part 1: Dimensions, test methods and requirements for copper conductor cables.
4.5 General test conditions
Unless specified ottieiwise, the device under test (DUT) shall be preconditioned for at least 16 h at a room temperaftwe (RT) of (23 ± 5) C and a relative humidity (RH) of 45 % to 75 %. Unless specified otherwise, all tests other than in process’ tests shall be conducted at these Conditions.
Where no tolerance Is specified, aN values shall be considered to be approximate.
When ac. tests are performed, they shall be at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Applations at higher frequencies may
requre additional testing.
4.6 Ovens
An oven with air exchange, either natural or by pressure. should be used. The air shall enter the oven in such a way that it flows over the surface of the test pieces and exits near the top of the oven. The oven shall have not less than 8 and not more than 20 complete air changes per hour at the specified ageing temperature.
Forced air circulation, e.g. by a tan inside the oven may be used However. In case of dispute, an oven without forced air circulation shall be used.
4.7 Representative conductor sizes for testIng
When a test Is required, all con’ibwiations of conductor size, waN thickness, and insulation formulation shall meet the appropnate requirements. However. It testing of representative conductor sizes is permitted (see Table 3), compliance for a cable Family may be demonstrated by testing examples of large and small conductor sizes only Permission to show compliance for a cable family by testing “representative conductor sizes” shall be established by agreement between customer and supplier.
4.8 Recommended colours
A list of recommended colours is shown In Table C.1.
5 Tests and requirements
5.1 OutsIde cable diameter
5.1.1 Purpose
This test is intended to verify that the cable outside diameter is within the required tolerances to fit seal and
harness dimension requwernents.
5.1.2 Test Sample
Prepare a lest sample of 3 m In length.
5.1.3 Test
Use a measuring device which shall not cause deformation. Take three sets of measurements at positions separated by I m and record the highest and lowest outside cable diameter at each position.
5.1.4 Requirement
All measurements shall be within the limits of the appcopnate maximum and minimum •outside cable diameter specified in Table 4 and Table B2. The values in Table 4 are normative, Since the values in Table 8.2 are informative, they are not required: however, they may be applied by agreement between customer and supplier.
5.2 Insulation thickness
5.2.1 Purpose
This test is intended to verify that the cable insulation thickness is within the required tolerances to withstand electrical, mechanical and chemical abuse.
5.2.2 Test sampl.s
Prepare three test samples from a cable sample 3 m in length. Take the test samples at 1 m ritervals. Strip the insijation from the cable. A test sample consists of a thin cross-section of insulation. Take care not to deform the test sample during the preparation process. if cable marking causes indentation of the wisulation, take the first test sample through this indentation.
5.2.3 Test
Use a measuring device which shall not cause deformation
Place the test sample under the measunng equipment with the plane of the cut perpendicular to the optical axis. Determine the minimum insulation lhlckness.
5.2.4 Requirement
No single value shall be less than the appropriate minimum insulation thickness specified in Table 4.